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Die „Gen Z“ hat begriffen, worauf es in diesem Arbeitsmarkt ankommt (Welt via MSN)
  • Da stellt sich mir die Frage, wofür die eigentlich arbeiten.

    Idealerweise würde ich gerne arbeiten, damit es anderen Menschen in Zukunft besser geht als mir und dann froh für sie sein.

    Diese Leute scheinen zu arbeiten und wissen nicht warum, aber Hauptsache es geht anderen genauso beschissen wie ihnen.

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    Train fares are up to 30 times more expensive than planes in Europe
  • In Germany you can get a train to anywhere in the country for about €20

    While this is true, there's a big asterisk attached to the statement.

    DB adjusts the ticket price based on how many seats are still empty (asking other things).

    Which means the earlier you book the cheaper the tickets are. But prices can ramp up quickly.

    For an unpopular connection (mostly through the night) it can be enough to book 1 week in advance.

    However for popular connections at prime times you gotta book at least a month in advance.

    Depending on circumstances, it's nice and it sucks at the same time.

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    Train fares are up to 30 times more expensive than planes in Europe
  • They gotta finance their infrastructure somehow.

    Oh, right. They're incentivized to not do exactly that. So they can cry to the government for even more funds.

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    Time off and a healthy lifestyle are driving some young Americans to Europe: 'You are a person first and a worker 2nd'
  • Americans buy houses and stuff. Unimaginable for most Europeans who don’t get to inherit one.

    I've got bad news for you. The median income-housing ratio is going down on both sides of the pond.

    Agree with the rest though.

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    Nach 75 Jahren: Ford bringt XXL-Auto erstmals nach Deutschland
  • Man muss kein Experte sein, um zu sehen dass der Laderaum eines Lieferwagens 2 m Breite * 5 m Tiefe * 3 m Höhe = 30 m³ Laderaum hat, wohingegen ein Pickup 1 m Breite * 1,5 m Tiefe * ∞ m Höhe (weil ist ja oben offen) = ∞ m³ Laderaum hat. Von daher ist ein Pickup immer objektiv gesehen die bessere Wahl.
