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RFC 7493: The I-JSON Message Format
  • You're clearly one of the reasons the quality is so low. Wasting everyone's time using lemmy as your personal link aggregator. It's obnoxious af.

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    antitrust lawsuit filed against Elsevier, Springer Nature, Taylor and Francis, Sage, Wiley, and Wolters Kluwer, for conspiring to appropriate billions that should have funded scientific research
  • America's a plutocracy, so there's like a 90% chance nothing will come of it.

    What the scientific community needs to do is make publishers irrelevant by creating a series of FOSS projects similar to the fediverse — architected, coded, owned, and operated by the scientific community — with the explicit goal of making a universal scientific journal where peer review is open, transparent, and at cost.

    There is absolutely no reason whatsoever for a handful of publishers to gate-keep peer-review in 2024. All of the problems are technically solved, and inexpensive. The only thing that's necessary is the will.

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    RFC 7493: The I-JSON Message Format
  • Yeah, the quality on Lemmy is nowhere near what Reddit was back in its heyday 10+ years ago; mostly due to the quality of the users; users who think content like this is worthy of posting and upvoting.

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    RFC 7493: The I-JSON Message Format
  • Posting something like this — assuming you actually read the thing and found it to be valuable in some way — without any summary text whatsoever is just lazy af; it's a low quality effort, and you should feel bad about it.

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    Third day of bomb threats inspired by Trump lies sends Springfield hospitals into lockdown
  • If they’re white republicans it’s just a little prankarooni! they're called freedom™️ fighters!

    This is unironically what most of them believe they are.

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    Climate protesters are taking action against Big Oil. UK courts are handing them prison terms akin to rapists and thieves
  • This is just one of countless examples that we live in capitalist plutocracies — ruled by corporations and the richest family dynasties who make up their majority shareholders — masquerading as "democracies". Sure, you can vote, but your only options are pre-approved.

    When the people causing genocide, war, and ecocide are untouchable, their entire rule of law is invalid.

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    "Appalling and extremely racist": Trump's embrace of Laura Loomer is blowing up in his face
  • There's a reason curry is Britain's favorite dish ... and it isn't because whites are a minority, like racists no doubt presume. It's because curry is fucking delicious, and British food is not.

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    Watch Stephen Miller have a full meltdown when asked to back up crime claim with facts
  • Wait? You mean Trump and his gaggle of kleptocrats could have been easily defeated all along if the mainstream media were populated by actual journalists instead of agreeable sycophants who just nod their heads and continue manufacturing consent?

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    MAGA is straight up losing it after Taylor Swift’s Harris endorsement
  • Circumcision as medical treatment is fine, as long as it's legitimate; though I also have a strong suspicion that most medical circumcision — due to phimosis — is actually due to the sexual shame of religious "cultures", and simply wouldn't be necessary if parents actually washed their babies/infants penises properly (by pulling back the foreskin) and teaching them to do the same. Obviously the foreskin stiffens and fuses shut when it's not stretched for years — no different to any other body part. I remember it took weeks to masturbate because I rarely pulled the skin back, and trying to do so took time to stretch it out. I could have easily ended up with phimosis in slightly different circumstances... I could barely touch my toes 3 months ago; now, after stretching a few times a week, I can stand on my palms.

    It's not like a significant number of other ape species experience this disorder. If the foreskin wasn't beneficial then we wouldn't have it. We don't cut our ears off because it's easier to clean the area without them, either.

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    How do you play/stream media from your server during offline hours?
  • FYI ^ Sunny — I suggest you query your LAN routing config with Tailscale specific support, discord, forums, etc. I'm 99% certain you can fix your LAN access issues with little more than a reconfig.

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    How do you play/stream media from your server during offline hours?
  • vyatta and vyatta-based (edgerouter, etc) I would say are good enough for the average consumer.

    WTF? What galaxy are you from? Literally zero average consumers use that. They use whatever router their ISP provides, is currently advertised on tech media, or is sold at retailers.

    I'm not talking about budget routers. I'm talking about ALL software running on consumer routers. They're all dogshit closed source burn and churn that barely receive security updates even while they're still in production.

    Also you don't need port forwarding and ddns for internal routing. ... At home, all traffic is routed locally

    That is literally the recommended config for consumer Tailscale and any mesh VPN. Do you even know how they work? The "external dependency" you're referring to — their servers — basically operate like DDNS, supplying the DNS/routing between mesh clients. Beyond that all comms are P2P, including LAN access.

    Everything else you mention is useless because Tailscale, Nebula, etc all have open source server alternatives that are way more robust and foolproof to rolling your own VPS and wireguard mesh.

    My argument is that "LAN access" — with all the "smart" devices and IoT surveillance capitalism spyware on it — is the weakest link, and relying on mesh VPN software to create a VLAN is significantly more secure than relying on open LAN access handled by consumer routers.

    Just because you're commenting on selfhosted, on lemmy, doesn't mean you should recommend the most complex and convoluted approach, especially if you don't even know how the underlying tech actually works.

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    Manchester turns to ‘housing first’ scheme to eradicate rough sleeping
  • Next, they'll realise redistributing wealth from the richest percentiles to the poorest percentiles eliminates poverty!

    It's almost like 1 + 1 = 2?

  • Putin calls Taliban Russia's 'ally' in combating terrorism | The Express Tribune

    Russian president acknowledges Afghanistan faces issues that require constant attention from international community

    cross-posted from:


    Broke timestamps. Everywhere. New replies will show "10 hrs" while the original comment will show "18 mins".

    When viewing posts I see tons of phantom comments that seemingly have nothing to do with the post or are replying to something when they appear at the top level. Navigating to the post in a web browser shows dozens more comments (not from users I've blocked or anything).

    Formatting of content across posts and comments doesn't match what the site does when I view it in the browser.

    Thanks to the Memmy dev and any contributors, but broken software is broken software.

    So, what's the best alternative these days?
