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What’s your “I can’t believe other people don’t do this” hack?
  • The bun top is typically thicker, allowing for a more solid foundation and to absorb more juices from the meat while being transported as takeout, without falling apart.

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    Any good games that break the mold
  • If you enjoyed that, I’d also recommend lil guardsman, similar responsibility, different mechanics and a lot more forgiving

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    How has technology made your favorite hobby worse instead of better?
  • There are options available in the slicer to wipe the byproduct into the infill of the models, that way you end up not wasting any of the material

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    What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen someone driving do?
  • Having a slap fight with the passenger in the back seat. On the highway.

    Was also in a car where the driver was rolling a joint while steering with his knee.

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    Dead Rising remaster will make Frank West less of a creep
  • I don’t care that they remove it from the base version of the game, but if you’re going to remake the damn thing I want the full, authentic, experience. If it requires me to download “horndog pack” as a free add on, so be it. Getting anything less is just a subpar product that isn’t worth discussing.

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    Giant FAQ on The European Initiative to Stop Destroying Games!
  • There’s a few listed here:

    But the problem is usually much larger where a game requires you to login to play even the single player component but is unable to do so with entire services going down, such as gamespy or others, more on that here:

    The list grows ever larger and even some online game news publications have their own lists, small example below:

    There’s quite a few others, but I do agree with the point that there should be an aggregate for all of these, that could be presented as a universal list that hopefully stops growing in the coming years.

    There’s also the problem of “going digital”. Previously you’d have at least the physical disks/mediums of the game in your possession but with the ever growing digital only culture, the moment a game gets delisted and you can no longer download it, that is it. Cult classic or not.

    P.S - Nintendo seems to have liked your Buddhist idea of impermanence and has done that to Super Mario 35, existed for a total of 6 months. Personally, I would’ve liked to at least try it seeing how it hasn’t been all that long ago.
