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Asking ChatGPT to Repeat Words ‘Forever’ Is Now a Terms of Service Violation
  • Did you even read the explanation part of the article???

    Thanks for the grammar correction while ignoring literally all context though. You certainly put me in my place milord.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Now keep your head down and shut up and carry out your sentence. If you announce one more appeal, I hope the next guy is more successful.

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    Asking ChatGPT to Repeat Words ‘Forever’ Is Now a Terms of Service Violation
  • In all seriousness, fuck Google. These pieces of garbage have completely abandoned their Don't be Evil motto and have become full-fledged supervillains.

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    Starfield's Steam rating drops to new low as player exodus continue
  • It's... A good-ish game in my opinion. Unfortunately, thanks to it's lack of polish, I'm at endgame with many hours in and have been hit with multiple game breaking bugs. These items can actually be fixed via console command.... Which then automatically disables all achievements. This can be fixed by a simple mod and.... At the end of the day, I want to play a game, not submit my resume to be a developer/tester to Bethesda.

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    PG&E asks California regulators to approve a 22% rate hike
  • I am so sick and tired of paying these bastards for burning down California and killing people in explosions. Maintaining your damn equipment to safety standards is a bare minimum for doing business, not an excuse to raise rates. It's become absurd.

    How is this not an anti-trust investigation? It's a clear cut monopoly.

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    US jail practices are racist and an 'affront to human dignity,' UN experts say
  • I mean, honestly, this is a rather unfair assessment.

    It's not just our jail system. It's pretty much the entire judicial system at every step of the way, from a traffic stop to eventual execution.

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    FTC files “the big one,” a lawsuit alleging Amazon illegally maintains monopoly
  • Were you around in 1989 when Exxon basically destroyed Prince William Sound with an iceberged oil tanker through a comically evil set of circumstances including a possibly drunken captain, faulty equipment which languished for months, promised equipment that was never installed, and a total lack of planning for contingency? They dumped like 11 million gallons of oil and were assigned massive punitive damages of 5 billion bucks?

    ....and then it got appealed all the way to the supreme court, where it got busted down to 500 million spread over a time which actually allowed them to see profitability for causing one of the largest ecological disasters in history.

    I don't mean to sound jaded, and I truly appreciate your optimism. But the deck is no less stacked thirty years later and our political system is still bought and paid for. Let's roll the dice and hope you come out on top of this one, friend. I'll cheer alongside you.

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    FTC files “the big one,” a lawsuit alleging Amazon illegally maintains monopoly
  • ....can we just skip to the part where Amazon pays less than a fractional percent of their profit in fines and then proceeds with business as usual? I just feel like the charade has grown tiresome at this point.

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    Are you cancelling streaming services?
  • I'm definitely cancelling Hulu and Disney+ this month to avoid their pending increases.

    I'm probably making moves to cancel Amazon prime before the add thing. I've been feeding that beast for far too long. : /
