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Is there a term similar to "shrinkflation" when food is made cheaper instead of smaller?
  • Right, by design. But when your are talking about the phenomenon casually, because the purpose and result is the same, shrinkflation seems to suffice. Are you asking for the name of the phenomena in the context of a detailed study? For that i am not sure it has a term it’s own.

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    Is there a term similar to "shrinkflation" when food is made cheaper instead of smaller?
  • Its still referred to as shrinkflation as i have seen it used. Putting filler material is just hiding the shrinkage, but the motivators and the result is the same

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    Chinese artist detained for 'insulting' Mao sculptures
  • ?? I posted that yesterday. Were you looking at another one of my other posts?

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    Chinese artist detained for 'insulting' Mao sculptures
  • You are suggesting that this is another form of art to show how bad China has gotten? I don’t know… he’s throwing his life away to preach to the choir, and Chinese citizens are not going to be motivated by his sacrifice. Or are you suggesting that he got batman’d into China jurisdiction and this was the reason given to cover the fact he was extrajudicially kidnapped to silence him and prevent nations from implementing sanctions?

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    Square Enix invests in Linux distribution
  • I would say it’s worse than that. Like knowing that you are selling exp boosters changes the calculus on how exp is earned. If the game played smoothly, there would be no need to sell the boosters and creating the eco system to support it would have been wasted. A system where certain items are nft based would push for these items to be better then the non nft items both for expectation of value, and to raise the trade value to siphon from. This already happens with games with dlc cosmetics. The gear in the games looks increasingly shit compared to the DLC. And that is a natural consequence of polluting the game space.

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    Square Enix invests in Linux distribution
  • But why honor other companies tokens? Hell why honor your old tokens? You make the effort to create assets in your new game, are you going to just give it to a limited number of players who play both game for free, or resell it to all players? If you buy an nft for a game that then gets ignored, was it any different then a DLC, or using the steam market place to trade the item? After all i have read i don’t see where this helps players at all, and for companies, the only benefit i can see is if they pump and dump their players.

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    Chinese artist detained for 'insulting' Mao sculptures
  • Like, wait. Why did he think this wasn’t going to happen when he went to China to visit family?

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    Sid Meier was apparently baffled by the decision to launch Civilization 5 without Genghis Khan: 'Sid said, What?'
  • Not sure i understand? My main point is Hideo has a weird sense of story structure. Couple that with his endless perfectionism would see any company paying his way bankrupt before the game releases. MGSV has a theme change about 1/3 and 2/3 through the game. And the longer it goes the more off the rails things got. I don’t think they all get resolved properly.

    When he got his own company started i believe that seeing the end of his wallet helped him focus the end of death standing early on which still has the classic Kojima crazy, and has a cohesive story. Art will form when it rails against its limitations.

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    30 August 2024
  • Are you going to question a living mace with a 10 foot fulcrum?

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    Harris says she won’t stop Biden’s policy of sending weapons to Israel
  • Whelp, there goes that hope. Back to being angry.

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    An ambitious strategy aims to cool the planet by dumping farmed seaweed on the sea floor. Will it work?
  • Oh i bet it happens sometimes against all their efforts.

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    Sid Meier was apparently baffled by the decision to launch Civilization 5 without Genghis Khan: 'Sid said, What?'
  • Well ok, but i assume you played mgsV i don’t think finishing the game was in the plan.

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    "oh? is my acting like a complete asshole offending you?"
  • My dude! Your last paragraph was about how women don’t get to talk about men like that. She never mentioned anything about Schrödingers joke being from men, or a man. You supplied the justification to call her a hypocrite in your own mind. You admit she didn’t mention men, and without missing a beat justified calling her a hypocrite because you assumed she had made comments against men at some point in the past?

    And even if she did, it would not be hypocrisy because she did not single out and attack men here. So she could not be a hypocrite in that way. Someone has gotten ahold and poisoned your mind and you now paint your perspective to where random comments are calling you out! The very shadows plot against you! That’s not healthy. And it’s the kind of damage that some rando on the feed ain’t able to fix.

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    "oh? is my acting like a complete asshole offending you?"
  • Ok you see, right there at the end. Thats big incel energy brother. It was wholly unwarranted. This poster made a general statement about trolls pushing the boundaries. This is a human condition thing. If the picture was of some dude, you would not have said anything. Your mind has been poisoned and has you tilting at windmills. You took offense at someone calling out trolls. Why would you automatically be on the defensive?

    Normally i wouldn’t extend this energy out. But you seem oblivious to the state you are in. I don’t know if you will accept it, but honestly your best bet is to own this mistake and take a moment to just look at your self.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Mine is biking, it was very hot for a few weeks, and so i stopped, but now that it’s getting to be the fall and perfect biking weather… i can’t. They found a cyst aggressively growing inside my jaw and i have lost 1/3 of my jaw bone mass. The surgeon installed a marsupialization and said it will take me 10 months to grow the bone back…assuming it even can. In the mean time, the surgeon is afraid of me even eating chicken, let alone doing anything that could have me fall.

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    "oh? is my acting like a complete asshole offending you?"
  • Your going to have to explain your comment there, cuz it’s not looking to good for you

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    Interesting to see how dead the MMORPG genre has become. Are there still players around?
  • I got it working, my issue was a commented out ip_bind variable in one of the .conf files. And you can also allow the new account variable. Users just type in their account name as if logging in, and put an _M or _F at the end and the server knows to append their account info to what password they input to the login server

    Though my friend swear they want that 1x rates… we shall see.

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    Enouy 48-shot Revolver, designed 1855
  • Holster? You aren’t supposed to stop firing.

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    Interesting to see how dead the MMORPG genre has become. Are there still players around?
  • When the kids these days called the jupiteros music the roblox theme, i lost my shit. (BGM89 we have lee but you don’t have)
