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What are your fears
  • Fear of losing my teeth. Spent about 5 years with dental braces, teeth pulled (permanent and baby to make room), and oral surgery to have a tooth exposed to pull down slowly in place over time. I have some fucked up dreams, but nothing disturbs me more than one where my teeth are breaking, cracking, loose, or falling out. Maybe it is a bit of dental PTSD.

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    What is your favourite animal?
  • Elephants!!! They have a beautiful family structure that looks out for one another. They grieve for their dead. Genuinely able to feel and relay emotions through actions and vocal intonations. Their trunk is such a neat and unique appendage. Generally are gentle giants as long as they aren't being threatened.

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    It's Saturday, what have you watched this week?
  • Wait till you hit S3E20. My personal favorite. Enjoy the experience!

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    Going on my first super long haul flight - what can I buy to make it more comfortable?
  • Ear plugs or noise canceling headphones

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    Crows going to town on some dropped Carl's Jr
  • "Fuck you, I'm eating"

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Small steps, lists, and prioritization.

    Do one small thing a day. Don't try to do too much all at once or you will get burned out.

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    Is there anything you've *never* done, that wouldn't be believed when sharing this with others?
  • Likewise. I had braces twice, a bunch of baby teeth, all wisdom teeth and 2 permanent teeth pulled because my "mouth was too small". I have some fucked up dreams but the scariest ones are those where my teeth are loose or falling out. I think I have dental PTSD...

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    Is there anything you've *never* done, that wouldn't be believed when sharing this with others?
  • In my mid-40s and never have gotten a cavity.

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    What is your favorite movie? Or, what is your favorite genre of film?
  • Haven't seen a few of those. Thanks for the suggestion. Will add them to my to my list. :)

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    What is your favorite movie? Or, what is your favorite genre of film?
  • Genre: dark comedies Movie: Death to Smoochy

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    It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose
    1. I think both Kira and Gwyn seem pretty down to earth and would have interesting stories and opinions on various topics. Not overly dramatic nor boring. Would know when to shut up. I would enjoy hearing advice Kira would give to Gwyndala as a young woman growing into her own. Neither companion would be overly boastful, maybe a tad critical, but their struggles bring an interesting angle on how they view life.
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    Cool paintings that depict hedonism?
  • Garden of Earthly Delights - Hieronymus Bosch

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    Prodigy Season 2: How do we want to discuss it?
  • Option 1 has my vote

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    A Cool Guide To What Each State Has The Largest Of In The World
  • Missing Hawaii's largest thing

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    I'm a nurse working bedside. Should I take a mostly administrative job as case manager or study nurse?
  • What is a study nurse? Is it a nurse educator or research nurse?

    The nurses I have known who moved into case management from bedside were surprised with the demands of that job but that is in the US. From my experience, it seems like case management turnover rates are high.

    What is your area of expertise? I am assuming that you are a bit computer savvy by being on a fediverse platform and if so, what about looking into clinical informatics?

    I would be hesitant about moving into a position with lower pay. I've done both bedside and desk jobs as a nurse and personally, looking at all the info you have shared, I would stick to bedside if you aren't burnt out yet until a better paying/hours/benefits administrative job opportunity comes around. But if you are already burned out, definitely do something else or you will be miserable. You can always return to bedside if things don't work out.

    Feel free to DM me if you want someone to bounce ideas off of.

    Best of luck.

  • Watch: Big bear emerges from small vent hole in North Carolina -

    Wildlife officials in North Carolina are reminding residents to be bear aware after a large bruin was caught on camera squeezing out from home's small vent opening.

    Thought it was cute. Had to share. Happy adventuring!


    cross-posted from:

    > Original Sin's Honour mode is returning.


    I remember watching Carbot years ago for the WoW and HOTS episodes. Was tickled to watch the BG3 episodes. There are only 3 episodes out at the moment. Hope you all enjoy!


    Found this video amusing, thought I'd share. Enjoy!


    Part one is a blast (hee hee) if you haven't seen it yet. Highly entertaining.


    Anyone else notice the name of the ranger's raven familiar? Made me smile.


    So I was thinking of making an all druid party. Full moon, land, and spore druids, and perhaps a land/life cleric hybrid for a bit extra heals. I think this should cover all party role bases minus some niceties of certain spells or bonuses on certain skills. Every character would be able to shapeshift which could be neat.

    Not sure if I will use the game NPCs for companions or just have hirelings to keep the dialogue neutral and less drama among characters. Would be my 5th campaign. I haven't finished my first campaign yet (about halfway done). I flip between my solo good, solo evil (Dark Urge), co-op good, and co-op evil. I just like messing around witt variety of characters, companions, and compositions.

    Clearly, this would be for a fun, rp run. Just wanted to share my thoughts and was hoping to hear your thoughts.


    I don't want to spoil this for anyone, however, something seems very very off to a point where I am doomed to fail in early Act 1. I created the Paladin, broke the oath, became an oathbreaker. Went off to the druid village, did the usual quests. Specifically - interacting with the musical tiefling who is writing a song. Upon my first attempt for a full rest after that, something happens where I seemingly pretty much fucked over my game with my level 3 party. Other than avoiding that quest or avoiding being an oathbreaker at that point, my only option is reroll non-dark urge or go way back to a much earlier save. I do not believe having a dark urge oathbreaker paladin early on is doable.

    Anyone else have this experience?

    https:// /

    Not too comprehensive, but fun to check out while you are waiting on your download.


    I am not a dad, nor of the male persuasion. Never had kids, nor do I want them. However, I love your jokes. Everyday when I scroll through my subscribed feed and come across the jokes in this community I want to /facepalm and laugh at the same time. They are so bad they are good. This community is secretly my favorite to come across in my feed (even moreso than the ones I mod and/or participate frequently in). Thank all of you for help making me smile every day.


    cross-posted from:

    > Hello from your southern neighbor. I am a huge fan of Kids In the Hall, Corner Gas, Strange Brew, etc.. While these are older shows and movies I still have a great appreciation for Canadian humor in all entertainment mediums. I am surprised I haven't come across a community for discussing Canadian entertainment or something thereof. As I am not as versed as many on the subject I would be hesitant to create a community myself, but would enjoy having one to participate in and find new shows and whatnot. Just something to think about. Eh?


    Yet another great scene.


    Hello from your southern neighbor. I am a huge fan of Kids In the Hall, Corner Gas, Strange Brew, etc.. While these are older shows and movies I still have a great appreciation for Canadian humor in all entertainment mediums. I am surprised I haven't come across a community for discussing Canadian entertainment or something thereof. As I am not as versed as many on the subject I would be hesitant to create a community myself, but would enjoy having one to participate in and find new shows and whatnot. Just something to think about. Eh?


    This may be a stupid question, but I am wondering how safe account info is on the PWAs and Lemmy apps seeing everything is in the infancy stage. Eventually, I would like to commit to and support whichever app fits my needs once they are well established. In the meantime, I am hesitant to use anything but the actual browser with my main account for fear of security issues that can compromise my community. Any thoughts from those who are knowledgeable on the topic are greatly appreciated.
