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Linux Directory Structure - FHS
  • That’s a US-only extension mainly used by Facebook and Twitter members.

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    People need to remember this.
  • Erin St. Wits Ex United Airlines is her full name I think.

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    People need to remember this.
  • I was amazed when we figured this out about movies. Movies is awful? You don’t have to stay and suffer. Just leave.

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    Linux Directory Structure - FHS
  • Also /lib is where some people keep discarded capitalists

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    Linux Directory Structure - FHS
  • That’s what I thought too. This is directory structure, not file systems.

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    Linux Directory Structure - FHS
  • /home is often on a separate volume. You’d want root to be available in a maintenance situation where /home may not be mounted.

    I don't recall the reasons for the addition but /media is newer than /mnt.

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    NATO apologism
  • I think I was banned from some communities there but I don’t remember which ones and haven’t missed them. I’m probably better off.

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    Give someone shit for using a tankie dogwhistle in Lefty Memes, get a permaban
  • It’s confusing in the context of US politics because it makes it sound like it’s intended to specifically mean the left side of mainstream US politics while leaving out the right. This seems odd to US readers as conservatives are more strongly liberal in that international economic sense.

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    Have you ever tasted your pet's food?
  • Well, check it out:

    Taurine is an amino acid that's an esssential nutrient for cats.

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    Give someone shit for using a tankie dogwhistle in Lefty Memes, get a permaban
  • Huh, you seem confused. I said "that definition" of liberal, not the word itself. What I mean is that 'liberal' is not used to mean neo or classic liberal. It has a different meaning, which is centrist or center-left, with an emphasis on ID politics. It's used as the opposite of conservative. US Liberal means progressives and Democrats, and Republicans are the opposite, conservatives.

    In the EU and elsewhere definition, it basically means capitalists and both Republicans and Democrats are liberals because they both support capitalism vs. socialism or communism. Call a Republican a 'liberal' in the US and on average they'd be confused or offended since that's their nemesis in the US.

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    Have you ever tasted your pet's food?
  • Proteins are just amino acids. You can find the same proteins in plant foods as meat. There are other details about what different types of basic foods contain, of course, but it’s theoretically possible to create something that contains all the same nutrients as meat out of plants.

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    Have you ever tasted your pet's food?
  • I had a Jack Russell who was crazy about eating out of the litterbox. Just horrifying, obviously. Maybe it tastes like meat, idk, who knows what it smells like to a dog.

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    Have you ever tasted your pet's food?
  • I recall seeing in a special card at a Chinese restaurant “Pigs Blood with Mixed Vegetable”. Sounds awful to me but some people must like it.

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    Donald Trump says JD Vance can't be "weird" because he's "so straight" - LGBTQ Nation
  • Peter Theil is overtly weird af, just saying.

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    Donald Trump says JD Vance can't be "weird" because he's "so straight" - LGBTQ Nation
  • Given his “tight” relationship with Theil, I have some questions.

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    How Elon Musk’s endorsement of Trump may have backfired
  • Supposed to be super script I think?

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    How Elon Musk’s endorsement of Trump may have backfired
  • Supervillains have some sort of charisma. People love to hate them. When a Bond villain is on screen, it’s like oh, this guy is cool… if Musk was in a movie it would be like wow, please skip this shit, this guy is boring and creepy. Musk is far from authentically charming. He tries though, and it’s nauseating. I admit that the deranged tangerine baboon has some sort of natural charisma - Musk does not. His special facial expressions are atrocious. His attempts at humor are embarrassingly bad. He has very little social awareness. To top it all off, despite being an off putting and repellent petty, immature and clueless ignoramus, he clearly radiates that he think he is the absolute best. So, his new sycophant relationship with Trump is perfect. He’d be like the #2 or 3 evil henchmen, kind of a side character, who gets knocked off 2/3 through the film and the crowd is relieved.

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    Trump supporters really rallying behind a felon and racist
  • Claiming to be neutral upsets them, too. It has to be “OH YEAH I love that degenerate and deranged career criminal, he’s the best!!” or they are skeptical and upset.

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    Give someone shit for using a tankie dogwhistle in Lefty Memes, get a permaban
  • Okay, I’ll call it pseudo intellectual if that sounds better to you. That definition doesn’t make it less nonsensical and basically untrue… sorry if that “deeper meaning” eludes me.

    One issue is that using that definition of liberal, one which is rarely used in American politics outside of economic and political classrooms, is an advanced form of “both sides are the same” as far as US politics - claiming that Democrats and Republicans are equivalent because “they’re both liberals”, which is a rather ignorant and narrowminded view.

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    Give someone shit for using a tankie dogwhistle in Lefty Memes, get a permaban
  • Such a stupid phrase too. Basically a pretentious, sloganeering way to say “classical/neo liberals aka capitalists are fascists!” Ok, brilliant political insight I guess if you have no idea what fascism is.

  • 3

    I keep hearing about layoffs, studios being closed and how the industry is troubled. Are companies losing money and sales are poor, or is it the same as Google and other companies laying off people just to pump their stock price and make money despite profitability?


    Tl;DR: rented a truck with mechanical problems. Was stranded for 6 hours on the freeway and was not able to return it due to issues beyond my control that were the fault of the originating dealer. I was charged for an additional day of rental ($225) and would prefer not to pay that.

    Recently I rented a truck from a well known national moving truck company in the US. As soon as I entered the truck, I noted a message on the dash that it had low tire pressure on one of the rear tires. I obviously should have noted this to the dealer in person immediately, but due to schedules and enthusiasm, I did not. I filled it with air and it seemed alright.

    2 days later when I had loaded the truck and was set to travel, I once more filled the tire. Unfortunately, as I drove with the loaded truck, it started slowly and steadily losing air. I stopped to fill it about every 60 miles before I noted, at 1 am at a remote outpost dozens of miles from civilization, air coming from the section of the tire near the fill valve. I decided further travel was ill advised. I made it to a nearby interstate rest stop and called the trucking company’s roadside assistance people.

    They determined that there was nobody within 60 miles available to come and change the tire. The representative suggested I should just drive on the leaky tire and see what happened. I felt that wasn’t a very good idea. We ended up deciding that I would sleep at the rest stop and help would come in the morning. I was fine with that. However, I was due to return the truck in the morning, so I called them back. I was then told someone was arranging to have the entire truck towed to my destination, over 100 miles away. This seemed somewhat unnecessary, but sure. So next, that did occur. The truck was towed to where I was going, on a flatbed, at 6 am.

    We still had to unload the truck, and wait for someone else to come change the tire before it could be driven to the local dealer to be returned. I called customer service to let them know we were returning the truck later than scheduled due to these problems. Somehow it turned out to be a Kafkaesque customer service archipelago- I talked to 18 different people and I still have no idea why since I wasn’t even asking for anything. Someone came and replaced the tire about 2 hours after I was originally scheduled to return the truck.

    The local dealer closed at noon that day, 30 minutes after the tire was finally replaced, so we took it back the next day. We were told by some very stoned young man that he had no control over charging us $225 for the additional day of rental, and I’d have to talk to national customer service. I probably at that point should have just left, but instead I actually gave them my debit card. It was unclear whether I’d ever be charged, but finally 4 days later, they processed the payment.

    I called the national customer service and they told me how sorry they were for my traumatizing experience, which was not why I was calling. They offered to refund 80 out of the 225, and I said I didn’t consider that sufficient. I was told someone would call me in 1-3 days. So, I called my bank and reported that wished to start the process of disputing the charge.

    Any suggestions? The original payment was $575 and I haven’t even complained about that.


    Tragically, I moved and went from living 2 blocks from a Costco to 50 miles. Mainly I miss inexpensive cases of seltzer water… I went to a local grocery store and they were offering 8 cans of seltzer for $4.99, while normally I purchased a case of 24 for $5.70 at Costco. Back in the balmy halcyon days of May, I would walk to my local Costco with a dolly and return with a case of V8, some weird sparkly water from Washington, spinach, mushrooms, Diet Pepsi, Kettle chips, and much more…. and now, the memories are fading into the margins of history.

    I am also missing the Kirkland hummus. I could use a vehicle and drive 52.3 miles (or so) to Costco, but it seems slightly unreasonable.


    Next time I would probably skip the tomatillos.
