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US Postal Service electric trucks are finally here and drivers love them
  • It looks like a pretty typical windshield, except mounted close to vertical. Last I knew the USPS was running at a profit, except for the bribed politicians making it a law they need to fund pensions way into the future, that is.

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    Sizing pants: men's vs women's
  • I don't know, maybe your pants are half an inch thick, and you overlooked accounting for that

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    Bill Gates-backed startup makes ‘butter’ out of water and carbon dioxide
  • According to the savor team, it was quite easy for them:

    “We start with a source of carbon, like carbon dioxide, and use a little bit of heat and hydrogen to form chains which are then blended with oxygen from air to make the fats & oils"

    I want to guess they are glossing over a complicated enzyme they created, or other form of reagent.

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    He's so brave for this
  • To be fair, and I really hate agreeing with wannabee fascist trash like Trump's entourage; it is very surprising a roof top, at most 250 yards from the stage, was not secured.
    Your point still stands though, they do not give a shit about school shootings, or anyone who isn't a means to more power/money for themselves.

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    What Does the G.O.P. Have Against America?
  • No, they want corporations to rule and line their pockets, even more than they already do.
    Racism, religion, sexism, and all the other fear & hate, are just useful tools to rile up voters, and pull the wool over their eyes.

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    Redbox’s disc rentals are over
  • "over 600", considering how much shelf space it would take, to store 600+ movies in their covers; a redbox is probably a very space efficient way to store and resource optical media.

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    Trump's Project 2025 is now being searched in Google more than Taylor Swift and the NFL
  • Because he'll say anything, and everything, then deny he has ever used the word "thing" - doesn't even know it, never heard of it before...

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    Trump is “absolutely” immune for “official acts” on Jan 6th, SCOTUS rules
  • That all sounds very complicated, there is a much simpler way, in an official act of course, to deal with traitors:

    Title 18 §2381. Treason

    Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, ...

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    Oh Joe...
  • The 2-party nonsense is unfortunately built into the system. First past the post voting practically guarantees only two dominating parties will exist at a given time.
    There are initiatives like e.g. the but that will only effect presidential voting. Mixed member proportional representation works reasonable well in many countries, but seeing how it largely eliminates the benefits of gerrymandering - on top of needing to pass an amendment to the constitution through congress -it will not happen this century...

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    The US healthcare system is barbaric...
  • That doesn't sound right. The US is constructed to maximize profits for its oligarchy, there's no 7th yacht in allowing the serfs not to pay off their medical debts?

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    Elon Musk Begs Advertisers to Return as Twitter's Revenue Plunges
  • A single billion is an obscene amount of money for an individual, I can't fathom how anyone can be worth/earn a billion in a couple of years.

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    Bank of America tells Detroit’s Big 3 they can’t make money in China and should just leave the hypercompetitive car market ‘as soon as they possibly can’
  • They actually gave them a loophole doing the exact opposite, vehicles with a bigger footprint had less strict mpg requirements.

    This was written in 2011:

    CAFE standards create profit incentive for larger vehicles
    The current Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards create a financial incentive for auto companies to make bigger vehicles that are allowed to meet lower targets, according to a new University of Michigan study.
    The loophole is the formula for setting mile-per-gallon targets. The standards, which actually depend on the sizes of vehicles automakers produce, are expected to require that firms boost average fuel economy to 35.5 mpg by 2016 and 54.5 mpg by 2025. Those oft-cited numbers are averages. In reality, each car company must meet a different standard each year determined by the literal “footprints” of the vehicles it makes. A vehicle’s footprint is its track width times its wheelbase.
    According to the study, the sales-weighted average vehicle size in 2014 could increase by 1 to 16 square feet

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    Bank of America tells Detroit’s Big 3 they can’t make money in China and should just leave the hypercompetitive car market ‘as soon as they possibly can’
  • Apparently decreasing sales, but half a million Buicks sold in 2023, plus the whole: "GM China sales decreased nine percent to 2,098,980 units during the complete 2023 calendar year. Sales decreased at all five brands marketed by GM in the Asian country, including Buick, Chevrolet, Cadillac, Baojun and Wuling."

    At that scale, it would be extremely embarrassing if GM can't stay competitive & profitable.

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    Too powerful for their Euro arteries
  • Can you go to Costco without getting a hotdog?

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    This union was not meant to be.
  • 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15, 20, 22, 25, 30, 33, 36, 40, 44, 50, 55, 60, 66, 70, 77, 80, 88, 90, 99

    Regardless of if 30, 50 or 100 is max. 13, 14, 16, 18 can be used if absolutely necessary, may get the volume right, but will have to live with the 'dial' is unbalanced.

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    If you don't work IT, retail, or food service what do you do for work?
  • So your composition is HVAC, plumbing, electrical, and Swede?

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    Tesla in self-drive mode slams into police car in Orange County
  • In 59 crashes examined by NHTSA, the agency found that Tesla drivers had enough time, “five or more seconds,” prior to crashing into another object in which to react. In 19 of those crashes, the hazard was visible for 10 or more seconds before the collision. Reviewing crash logs and data provided by Tesla, NHTSA found that drivers failed to brake or steer to avoid the hazard in a majority of the crashes analyzed.
    NHTSA also compared Tesla’s Level 2 (L2) automation features to products available in other companies’ vehicles. Unlike other systems, Autopilot would disengage rather than allow drivers to adjust their steering. This “discourages” drivers from staying involved in the task of driving, NHTSA said.
    “A comparison of Tesla’s design choices to those of L2 peers identified Tesla as an industry outlier in its approach to L2 technology by mismatching a weak driver engagement system with Autopilot’s permissive operating capabilities,” the agency said.
    Even the brand name “Autopilot” is misleading, NHTSA said, conjuring up the idea that drivers are not in control. While other companies use some version of “assist,” “sense,” or “team,” Tesla’s products lure drivers into thinking they are more capable than they are.

    It is not a single crash. There are assisted driving system out there using pupil tracking, to make sure drivers are still paying attention.
    Tesla's solution is something along you need to be resting at least one hand on the steering wheel. And don't get me started on how they are diluting the concept of "full self driving"...

    But yeah, you're right, the only reason I'm sceptical of Tesla's semi-self-driving tech; is because I think Elon is an egomaniac little bitch, who is incapable of ever admitting he was wrong in even the smallest way.

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    A picture speaks more than enough words
  • There once was a pipe dream of a dual mode car/monorail vehicle. RUF utube video seemed promising, since cars & busses could dock together for longer stretches on rail.
    I believe the furthest it went, was a test track loop and a couple prototype vehicles.

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  • I'm considering printing it, coloring it in similarly, and hanging it up in my cubicle. Decently hi-res version I found
    Also came across a "I can do hard things" which would also be a good candidate.

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    Tesla Supercharger access for GM, Polestar delayed
  • I'm no electrical wiz, but it seems like we're dealing with a misunderstanding?
    When I hear "3 phase support", I jump to it can be powered by at least part of a 3 phase supply without transformers. Which is what they clearly state in multiple sources:

    SAE J3400, with the support of a supermajority of OEMs, has made sound engineering decisions that will pay dividends for decades by lowering barriers to electrification in North America. ... It supports AC voltages commonly available in commercial areas, streets, parking garages, and dense housing locations, specifically 480/277-V three-phase power, one of the most common configurations provided by utilities in the United States.

    I am not sure I understanding you correctly, you wanted them to feed all 3 phases to charging EVs? Batteries are DC, wouldn't that mean sticking a heavy 3-phase to DC converter in the car?

  • Just look in the folder you've been saving pictures & memes from reddit for years.
