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What happened with the sphinx though?
  • Sphinx: You there, knight. I am the guardian of this place and cannot allow you to pass without a battle.

    Me: My name is Ender, Sir Ender to you. And I'm a bit weary from my long journey here, would you accept a pun battle?

    Sphinx: Aye, Sir Ender.

    Me: Thank you, please move aside

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  • For me, they manage to trigger the "SNAKE!" and "SPIDER!" panic responses simultaneously. The rational part of my brain likes them, the instinctual part tells me to smash it with a rock

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    Gender-specific toilets to be required in non-residential buildings in England
  • Absolutely post relevant info, I'm saying your audience here doesn't consider what you posted to be relevant.

    If your comments had tied in to the greater anglosphere discussions around trans people or used the examples as a thing to emulate or avoid, that would be relevant.

    As they are, your comments just sound like you think of England as an extension of the US or at least you think the lawmakers of England are concerned about bathrooms in California

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    Gender-specific toilets to be required in non-residential buildings in England
  • "in the country"

    Bruh, their point was you are talking about a different country. I happen to agree with your opinion, but how bathrooms work in Los Angeles has no bearing on the laws in the UK.

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    And everyone bathed regularly.
  • While I like the comparison between Trump's legal troubles and Julius Caesar's, my inner pedant needs to point out that Caesar was not part of the fall of the Roman Empire. Depending on how you break up the timeline, Caesar was the beginning of the end for the Roman Republic and his heir Augustus was the beginning of the Empire.

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    Damnatory Arbitration
  • The EEA shows up in the list of places it does not apply. They worded it strangely, first calling out the US as a place where it does apply. Then they change it up and say it also applies to anywhere not on this specific list of places

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    xkcd #2914: Eclipse Coolnesss
  • Depends on the location and timing. For a lot of the northeast part of the path, the eclipse is going to happen right after school lets out. Most of the students would still be on their way home

  • NSFW
    The t-shirt with the triangles is so cool 👹
  • This doesn't seem like an unreasonable requirement for work attire. In a customer-facing role, they are representing the company and so the company is very concerned about it's image.

    For non-customer facing roles, it's more about keeping the office productive and with minimal conflict. Someone walking in with a "Grab them by the pussy" shirt with a big picture of Trump's face is going to stir up some shit that the company would rather avoid.

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    So is the US slipping into Civil War?
  • The national guard is part of the military, so funded and supported by the feds. Unlike normal army units though, each state or territory has its own national guard unit under the command of the governor. The intention is to give each state the power to quickly respond to emergency situations without needing federal approval. They're the successors to the old state militias, but have much stronger federal ties now.

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    When you're a few ounces short of a cup
  • This feels overly pedantic. "Practicing edible recipes without the weed" is more specific than just baking. They are saying what they are baking and why. This is like someone saying "I'm frying some fish for dinner" and getting the response "".

    It also seems to imply that it's not baking anymore if you add the weed.

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    [OC] Street light
  • Not sure where this was taken, but I know a lot of the old buildings in the Netherlands were built with a slight intentional lean toward the street. It's possible the buildings are actually leaning

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    This is a real sign.
  • Not even close. Any spot on the Maine coast should be within an 8 hour drive. The populated areas should only be a couple hours. Florida is like 30 hours of straight driving from Vermont
