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Winning the interview
  • It's a low bar. If we're now judging candidates in comparison to Trump then we're in trouble.

    Trump isn't the standard. He's an anomaly, and we should aim way higher.

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    Pick your seat, Lemmy
  • I would willingly sit next to Alex Jones. That guy is hilarious.

    I legit think he's super entertaining, just as long as you understand that everything he says is a lie.

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    [OC]One of the only cybertrucks I've ever seen
  • I've finally started seeing some in my city over the last week or so. They are just so goddamn big and awkward looking. They really look like someone put dumpster on wheels. I honestly find them pretty jarring to see out on the road.

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    Finally, the Democrats have found Trump’s Achilles heel: ridicule him
  • How is the DNC this slow and clueless?

    You're telling me that we could have been rid of him years ago if these dummies had just been parroting all of us making fun of him on social media?

    How are these giant conventions with billions and billions behind them so dumb?

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    Trump aides alarmed he's 'just golfing all day and stewing' as election slips away: WaPo
  • I know that the Republican party made this happen, but Democrats are absolutely complicit in letting it happen.

    Obama promised to codify Roe v Wade when he had a super majority, and he just didn't. Why didn't he?

    Ruth Bader Ginsberg could have retired and let us set a better judge into the Supreme Court, and yet the Dems somehow couldn't look one presidential term into the future and try to have a contingency plan. Why?

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    Disney gives up on trying to use Disney Plus excuse to settle a wrongful death lawsuit
  • I mean this is actually an ethical argument to be pro piracy.

    Trying to use the terms of service for a streaming service in order to sweep a death under the rug is completely insane and no one should give money to company like that.
