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What's the difference between a proxy and a VPN
  • A proxy is like an extra point in between two things.

    A VPN is like a secret tunnel, so that nobody can see your data.

    People can grab info being sent through a proxy, but it's significantly harder for anyone to see what's going through a VPN.

    I'm simplifying, but hopefully that'll help you understand.

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    Odd issue with an eBay 3DS I'm fixing up
  • Oh wow. Isn't technology amazing!

    I'm glad you eventually figured it out.

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    Would a surgical puncture to the skull relieve a pressure headache?
  • Short answer, probably not. Anatomy is complex, and the source of the pressure may or may not be at the single point where you most feel it. Even if it is a single point, you wouldn't be dealing with what caused the pressure, and the body would seal the wound as quickly as it can.

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    Odd issue with an eBay 3DS I'm fixing up
  • You're welcome! I'm glad that helped.

    It's a pretty common issue, micro corrosion or dirt underneath the domes. But not everyone knows you can peel them up to clean underneath!

    I've fixed a few systems like that.

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    Odd issue with an eBay 3DS I'm fixing up
  • Did you lift off the metal domes and clean the contacts underneath? Or did you just clean the tops of the domes?

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    [Epic] The Callisto Protocol
  • Still overpriced for that game.

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    Why do we cry?
  • As if you're perceptive enough to know whether or not you're a failure at being a functional human being.

    Maybe if you tried harder.

    Edit: apparently it wasn't clear enough that I'm not serious

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    Was Elvis Presley a groomer and pedo? if so why was he so loved and not persecuted and prosecuted?
  • ...I'm not sure how else you're trying to be seen, based on how you keep responding to me.

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    Was Elvis Presley a groomer and pedo? if so why was he so loved and not persecuted and prosecuted?
  • I'm not talking about how it was seen. I'm talking about how it is. There's a difference.

    Cutting off hands was seen as socially acceptable at certain times in history, if someone was merely accused of theft. But it is horrific and terrible. How it was seen as irrelevant to it being terrible objectively terrible.

    Are you just trolling, or are you actually trying to defend some of that behavior?

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    Was Elvis Presley a groomer and pedo? if so why was he so loved and not persecuted and prosecuted?
  • No, but it was harmful.

    I'm talking about the objective harm of encouraging underage girls to avoid study and live their lives in the service of older men. There is nothing good that can be said about such a thing. It's basically indentured servitude.

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    Was Elvis Presley a groomer and pedo? if so why was he so loved and not persecuted and prosecuted?
  • I said it was objectively terrible, I didn't mention morals. :)

    Harming people is terrible, whether or not social morality supports it.

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    is iceraven a good fork of firefox?
  • It's not possible for one person to know every browser in existence, and on what platforms they're available.

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    is iceraven a good fork of firefox?
  • Mobile wasn't specified :)

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    Was Elvis Presley a groomer and pedo? if so why was he so loved and not persecuted and prosecuted?
  • As disgusting as we see it now, keep in mind that, back then, child marriage was not only condoned but sometimes encouraged in those parts of the Southern U.S.

    We'll never know if he did it because he had a thing for young girls, or if he did it simply because it was an accepted practice.

    Regardless of why, it's objectively terrible that he did that.

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    is iceraven a good fork of firefox?
  • In my case, I've been using Librewolf because its out-of-the-box security and privacy settings are tighter.

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    Pets Sunday - how are they doing?
  • Don't kinkshame

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    A note of Moka Pot to Aeropress
  • It's fascinating how individual changes can make such big differences in the type and quality of coffee.

    It's quite likely that some of the people enjoy the taste that you hate, and wouldn't like it if they tried brewing without that filter!

    One reason I love the coffee hobby so much is that there's so much room for experimentation.

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    Let's play a game: Round robin!
  • Sadly, Stanley wears briefs, so he did not pick them up.

  • A few years ago, LXLE was my distro of choice for older hardware.

    I haven't used it in a while, and now I'm trying to revive an HP Stream (AMD/4GB RAM/32GB SSD).

    Anything else I might want to try first, or is LXLE still considered good for lightweight/feature rich?


    And that it's genetic, so that it's passed down to all his descendants; and that all people who marry into the family also have it happen to them
