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Traffic to be banned from London’s Oxford Street under Sadiq Khan plan
  • That's a bit like saying you can find cheaper rollercoasters outside Disney Land.

    It's true, but price isn't why people go. It's prestige and experience.

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    Studio Horror Needs To Take A Lesson From Indie Horror
  • Controversial opinion... Not all horror has to be event horror and that a lot of what we are perceiving as Indie Horror success right now is actually just a form of mainstream-like hype.

    Take Longlegs... The trailers, the casting of Cage... These are classic mainstream cinema tactics.

    Novelty is fine, but doesn't that ho back to the times of free vomit bags and life insurance policies?

    Maybe grabbing attention should be from well crafted films telling great narratives that resonate with audiences, and if you have to think "outside of the box" then your box isn't big enough in the first place.

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    Noise Pollution ruins quality of life
  • This is the internet. It's OK to swear here.

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    Netflix’s Squid Game is rip-off of 2009 Hindi film, lawsuit says | The Straits Times
  • Exquisite.

    Also the first twin stick arcade game I played.

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    Netflix’s Squid Game is rip-off of 2009 Hindi film, lawsuit says | The Straits Times
  • So, like none of these folk read The Running Man then?

    Or many of the hundred times this idea has been used in Sci-fi.

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    ain't no way
  • I suspect most memes are just 1980s British mid stand-up routines in disguise.

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    Today I write about Tim Boucher, desperate Ai-enthusiast crying into his fists, "I'm an author! I'm an author!"
  • Absolutely agree. Or at least, if he wants to call himself that he can't be upset if people disagree.

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    Today I write about Tim Boucher, desperate Ai-enthusiast crying into his fists, "I'm an author! I'm an author!"
  • There's an interesting thing there about the legitimacy of the artist.

    Most artists and creative I know are rather comfortable with people disagreeing with them and the value of what they make because they understand the value of it to themselves.

    I'm an artist and that happens because I make art, not because someone bestows the title on me.

    I think the AI crowd is touchy because they dont get that. What joy is there when it is made for you? A prompt is not craft.

    I think the main condition here is that he wants to be seen as a writer when he doesn't write. He could legitimately call himself a storyteller, or someone who crafts narratives, but that isn't legitimate for him. Instead he needs the validation of a title he doesn't deserve.

    I also wonder how he deals with criticism of the product. If someone reviewing his books calls the language clumsy, does he see that as his failure as a writer or the failure of the AI. The fact he will have to confront that is fascinating.

    It isn't my painting that sucks, it is the image I copied it from.

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    An artist says Nerf’s Destiny 2 hand cannon is a ripoff of their work
  • The devil is in the details. Different contracts state different usages.

    Often, I'm hired to make things for folk, and they own it entirely. I see these things out in the world, I sometimes see other artists hired to butcher it to fit a new purpose. But that's OK, I account for that, and often I hand over the source files from the things I make... Layered documents etc.

    However, there's a really disturbing trend of large companies appropriating fan art and claiming that because they own the IP any derivatives belong to them too. This is far ickier.

    The main thing though is credit. You'd think that giving a nod to the original artist would be nice. It costs nothing and can have a massive impact on their business.

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  • In all fairness, commenting here is like reciting the specific summons to raise Contrary Mary.


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  • Not viruses as such, at least according to the inventor of the term, rather they are already part of our inheritable structure, our DNA (so to speak) seeking new ways to be inherited.

    We are our memes.

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    specialization is for insects
  • Though that is great example of mental dexterity.

    Considering something from a number of angles.

    '4 kelvin essay' is also a decent name for a math rock band.

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    England's Green Party to vote on whether to declare a genocide in Gaza
  • Pretty sure Gaza doesn't need the Green party declaring genocide on them, they're already dealing with one.

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    specialization is for insects
  • I dont know if this is cool, but I recently published an essay on why generalism is a cool sort of specialist to be.

    Nothing in particular

    It's a slightly long read (4k), so in case that isn't your thing, the upshot is that generalism is specialising for uncertainty and that being a polymath is pretty cool.

    Also, being a polymath is your default state and capitalism really doesnt like it.

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    My word game had some weird archaic racist word as one of the answers.
  • I'm sorry, "lenchings" is not a word in this puzzle, or the dictionary. Watch this ad to gain another credit and gave another guess.

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    What duration of time do you connect to intellectual property?
  • I'm telling you this as someone that works in the arts, that's just not true.

    You can pirate digital material and repackage it. I see illustrators getting their designs ripped off by large scale clothing manufacturers all the time.

    Similarly, I know some acts that have heard their music on adverts and films and haven't been paid. It seems like it is being stolen if you ask me.

    There needs to be protection or the creation of art becomes a luxury for those that can afford to not make money from it.

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    What duration of time do you connect to intellectual property?
  • What's wild here is that when you talk about IP you are talking about entertainment and art and not lifesaving drugs and technologies on a global scale.

    It's a very privilidged western view of copyright and IP.

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    What duration of time do you connect to intellectual property?
  • And as I said in my comment, it isn't my customers that want stuff for free, often they want to pay to support me. Those laws stop big multinational corporations from taking my work and selling it on their t-shirts.

    We are social creatures, but fuck me, we need to eat and pay rent.

  • When I use the internet to learn, I don't want to have to spend 2 minutes watching an advert, then try to decipher an accent I can barely understand whilst a 15 year old speed runs the task whilst seemingly skipping crucial steps in a video.

    I want the steps written down. Maybe with diagrams.

    I'm old. Learning is hard enough.


    All Cakes Are Baklava (ACAB)


    Ok, not technically a pie, better puns are welcomed.


    Hello, long time listener, first time caller...

    I just wanted to say hi. I'm very much interested in the grain, the unplanned and the documentary when it comes to analogue photography.

    This one was shot on fomapan 400 and an Optima 335 that I've had in my jacket pocket for a while.


    Long time listener, first time caller.

    My first post to Lemmy is a piece of modernist music I've made for three synthesizers.

    In this case, I used a Behringer Pro-1, an Uno Synth, and a Volca Keys.

    I'm very much interested in repetition and emergent rhythms. Feel free to share some of your own work if you think I'd be into it.
