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  • As a kubuntu user I approve. 👍

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  • Multisexual flag.

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  • Egoism works in two philosophical aspects. Psychological and ethical/moral (there is a difference between ethical and moral but here I'm gonna use them interchangeably for simplicity) Egoism as a psychological stance argues that one is self-interest and everything one does is for that end. Moral/ethical egoism argues that one should act in their own self-interest. Egoists like myself use egoism in the political sense to argue that our institutions, religions, concepts of good and bad are merely "spooks of the mind." Simply put they are fixed concepts that only exist to hinder and impede our true nature and we ought to remove them from our behavior and thought process. Egoism in this interpreration therefore allows us to see it as compatible with anarchism because it also believes hierarchies such as the "spooks" are unjustified and should be dismantled.

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  • Thanks. :)

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  • Hello there. :)

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  • This is an excellent explanation of my position. Thank you very much for sending this resource. :)

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  • Not an edgelord or a misanthrope. I simply take the position that egoism is compatible with anarchism. My egoism is informed by stirner's. I'm sorry you don't like what I think but your understanding of egoism is very poor. I merely did this post as an introduction. I'm not interested in debate. I invite you to read the works of stirner and listen to what egoists like me actually have to say instead of falling for stereotypes.

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    Electorialism (tempted to vote biden)
  • Thanks, that is very helpful. My post got so much attention even got an admin to comment. :)

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    Electorialism (tempted to vote biden)
  • Because I want to vote for someone who better represents my politics.

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    Electorialism (tempted to vote biden)
  • It does not.

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    Electorialism (tempted to vote biden)
  • The downvotes help this post be ignored.

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    Electorialism (tempted to vote biden)
  • Was not expecting so much input from so many voices. Thank you all for taking the time of your day to respond to my little dilemma. Means a lot to see comrades helping comrades. :)

  • I am so so divided on if I should vote for biden or not. I wanna vote third party to at least do something or should I just stay home and protest and advocate where I can? Thoughts?

    Earth Just Had the Hottest 12-Month Span in Recorded History
  • I am so sorry, that really sucks. :( And this shit's only get worse unless we do something. The U.S and china are big contributors. America keeps greenwashing to distract consumers. We need to abolish cars and phase out fossil fuels. Nuclear is a good option.

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    Electric vehicles are hitting a road block: Car dealers
  • I believe the OP's point is that because EVs still use fossil fuels and companies still make a massive profit from it, it's a scam but I could be wrong.

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    Electric vehicles are hitting a road block: Car dealers
  • I agree, they use fossil fuels and aren't gonna solve the problem long-term. More greenwashing for the masses. Abolish cars!

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    Climate change isn't a top motivator in US elections. But it could impact key races
  • To no one's surprise. Neoliberals only care about profits going up. They'll say they care then do nothing.

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  • Hello

  • Hello, just wanted you folks to know I exist here. I'm aeleo and I'm a huge fan of solar punk. I am an egoist-anarcho-communist. I believe in abolishing the state and all unjust hierarchies. I'm not gonna be too active but I thought I'd say hi.
