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Does Hungary still belong in the European Union?
  • What would containment consist of? They can't put up a border. They probably could crush them economically ala greece, but that would just accelerate the rise of fascism.

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    did you hear that Dr Disrespect tried to make a comeback the other day with a Deadlock stream?
  • DocToPdf Disrespect was quietly banned from twitch, and then responded to allegations that he was sexting minors with "age of consent varies between states, what I did wasn't even illegal and what even is sexting? This is just haters trying to ruin my day"

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  • Because peace is more popular than war. I assure you the western capitalist class haven't been outbid by the Russians, although the distinction between western international bourgeoisie and Russian national bourgeoisie is complex.

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  • Of course he is, but telling people to focus on one tiny segment of the capitalist class instead of understanding the actual system is fascism 101.

    Instead of showing people how the system works and that the whole thing is against their interest, you just tell them it's one particular group doing it wrong.

    Also the issue isn't "anyone over X dollars", capitalist refers to the relationship with the means of production. Putin is part of the capitalist class because Russia is a capitalist state and Putin is literally the representative of the national bourgeoisie of Russia.

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  • In September 2017, Facebook told congressional investigators it had discovered that hundreds of fake accounts linked to a Russian troll farm had bought $100,000 in advertisements targeting the 2016 U.S.

    That year, CNN, Fox, and others spent billions influencing Americans.

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  • Russia buying some facebook ads is utterly inconsequential next to the rest of FB, Fox, CNN, Reddit, and every other propaganda outlet directed at us by the capitalist class.

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  • You're pointing at a thing our own politicians and billionaires are currently doing and going "What if Russia did it too".

    Understanding that the media amplifies particular stories to promote a perspective that is in their interest and against your own doesn't require the addition of a foreign power, that just muddies the issue.

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    Am I the only one who struggles with the idea of building highways?
  • the only proper way to do it is to ravage through regions of my city to make massive interchanges and efficient routes

    Accurate simulation then.

    You can avoid the need for highways if you minimize car use via pedestrian-only roads and tons of public transit.

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    Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race?
  • Kamala Harris running a damn near flawless campaign, with just a month 1/2 of campaigning.

    There's a few major flaws:

    Trying to out-flank republicans on the right with immigration and crime; instead of counter-messaging that republican claims of migrant crime are false and migrants commit less crime than average, and crime as a whole is declining, her campaign promotes how tough she is on crime. This is essentially campaigning for the republicans. The people who are terrified of immigrants and criminals are voting republican.

    Trying to out-flank republicans on the right in foreign policy. Harris can promise rivers of Muslim, North Korean, and Russian blood, and the people who want that will still vote republican. Talking about how lethal the US military will be and how hostile the US will be to other countries decreases turnout. War is not popular. Trump's campaign is already hitting Harris on supporting the genocide in Palestine.

    Joe Biden dosent use drones anymore

    Huh. Wonder what that US reaper drone was doing over Yemen.

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    EV sales have not fallen, cooled, slowed or slumped. Stop lying in headlines.
  • This is likely due to the difference in market segments, electric vehicles in North America occupy the high-end segment

    This seems accurate, US car manufacturers are exactly where they want to be with a captive market where the average new car price is up to $50,000

    Some have speculated that this is so they can price out the competition as these subsidies are unsustainable

    It looks like they have an exemption from the 10% sales tax, plus up to $2600 rebate for trade-ins.

    For comparison, the Cash For Clunkers under Obama was up to $4,500.

    This is likely due to the difference in market segments, electric vehicles in North America occupy the high-end segment

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    EV sales have not fallen, cooled, slowed or slumped. Stop lying in headlines.
  • Laziness on who's part?

    The automakers don't like EVs because they have much better margins on pickups and SUVs. Dealers don't like EVs because they require less maintenance, which cuts future revenue. The politicians don't like EVs because their campaigns are financed by the big auto companies and dealership owners.

  • Maersk profits crash as western missions fail to stop Yemen's Red Sea blockade

    Yemen continues to enforce a blockade on Israeli-linked ships despite US naval operations to stop them

    Looks like it's having a measurable effect.


    Democrats resubmit border shutdown bill Senate to Vote Again on Border Deal as Democrats Seek Political Edge

    The bipartisan border enforcement compromise, blocked by Republicans in February, is all but certain to be thwarted again. Democrats aim to tag the G.O.P. as the culprit in its failure.

    >Among other changes to immigration law, the measure would make it more difficult to gain asylum in the United States and increase detentions and deportations of those crossing into the country without authorization. It would also effectively close the border altogether if the average number of migrants encountered by immigration officials exceeded a certain threshold — an average of 5,000 over the course of a week or 8,500 on any given day. The bill also would give the president power to close the border unilaterally if migrant encounters reach an average of 4,000 per day over a week.
