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Cars 2 had me fucked up
  • Good example is the 2016-2021 Honda Civic! Tons of electrical issues, and refrigerant that is incompatible with the ac condenser, so you sink thousands into your AC for it to stop working after a couple of months.

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    after 40 all meals are horror
  • Yeah - the condition I have is ARFID. I do see a therapist, but they can’t really “cure” texture aversion. I’ve found adaptations that fit my lifestyle.

    I just wanted to share because there are a lot of stigmas around disordered eating - there’s an assumption that “picky” eating is a lack of willpower or a character flaw. Food is such a basic need that our brains can be very strongly wired in incorrect ways.

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    after 40 all meals are horror
  • I got the manager certification a long time ago, and it oddly made it worse. Weird things like being convinced that my refrigerator isn’t consistently keeping temperature or that the plastic in the packaging has holes in it. Texture sets me off and there’s a lot of variation I’m sensitive to.

    I can’t get a family sized bag of chips or cereal for example, because I can only eat them the same day I opened the package. I know that there is nothing wrong with them, but the thought of a stale one upsets me. I love apples, but rarely eat them because I don’t want to risk a mushy one. I know a mushy apple or stale chips aren’t “contaminated” but they feel intensely like they are.

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    after 40 all meals are horror
  • It’s frustrating as an adult with ARFID/eating disorders. I can’t bring myself to eat leftovers because I worry that they are contaminated. I’ve thrown away so much food because I won’t reuse a pasta sauce jar if it has been opened.

    A lot of the common “easy” meals are things that I absolutely will not eat - spaghetti, canned veggies, ground beef. Sometimes I struggle with eating ramen. It’s fucking embarrassing but I literally cannot help it. I will gag and puke if my brain decides I can’t eat something.

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    Friendly reminder to get help if you're feeling suicidal
  • A lot of suicide prevention has to be community based though.

    Affordable housing, accessible and good quality mental health services, career development programs… some people are suicidal because their situation legitimately sucks.

    For all the talk about ending stigma, I also think there needs to be a discussion about the way suicidal people are treated. In the US, involuntary holds can be hell and fucking expensive - especially when we consider how many people are suicidal because of finances. Lose your job because the 72 hour hold, during which you get to see a psychiatrist once. (From my personal experience, no guarantee they got a great score on their TOEFL).

    988 is a great idea, but patchy in execution and assuming a lot of other systems are already in place. It’s a can of fix a flat when you haven’t changed your oil in so long it’s starting to look like tar.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with seeking help; I just think we really need to recognize that help is not always readily available. It’s not free, appointments aren’t always readily available, and you can end up with really bad providers. Services like BetterHelp are preying on that gap too, and have cooped the destigmatization of mental health into their ad campaigns that are uncomfortable.

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    New idea for a language course
  • Teenager I was traveling with couldn’t figure out how to use the turnstiles at the metro. Random French guy, in English: “you disgust me.”

    Also got scammed by an Uber. The Louvre was worth it though, we hated Paris so much we spent the entire day inside the museum.

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    New idea for a language course
  • I have fairly severe social anxiety; when I went to France, the negative response to the French I was able to stutter out ensured I’d never try to speak French again. (I read it fairly well, because Candide was good enough to read ten times)

    In high school, I had an assignment to go to a local Chinese restaurant and order in Chinese. The response to my “我要broccoli 牛肉” was so enthusiastic that I still do a set of Chinese flash cards everyday.

    There has to be a motivating force for you to learn something. Whether that is social approval/encouragement, needing to be able to ask for certain things… Some people can be motivated by an intrinsic love of learning things, but for most I think this is confined to specific topics.

    For language, I think you need a show that you want to watch, a space you can navigate by only using that language, something that gives you meaningful feedback and places to go that a grade simply doesn’t.

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    Donald Trump says JD Vance can't be "weird" because he's "so straight" - LGBTQ Nation
  • People who don’t use gay hook apps simply do not understand. You can hop on and find nothing but “straight” men, or blank profiles which are most assuredly married “straight” men. It can be frustrating if you are looking for a relationship/human beings who are okay with themselves.

    We just need a black hat slutty queer to record themselves taking it from Mr. Couchfucker or some sufficiently big name Senator. It’s bound to happen eventually.

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    I'm crocheting the bags from under my sink into a tote bag.
  • In this video, she’s using a nice chunky yarn, so it’s easier to see.

    The good thing with blankets is that the size is whatever you want it to be. Just stop making your chain when you get one dimension right, and then finish with whatever row makes you happy. A single skein of the cheap SuperSaver/RedHeart can make ~8 sq. feet of area - a nice 2’ x 4’ baby blanket is a good size for a beginner. Blankets are also very forgiving of fuck-ups - which in crochet is usually forgetting a count (as a stoner, this is usually why I knit)

    Single crochet is a stitch type. Crochet is about making chains, and then doing different stitches back into the chain. Single crochet is the most basic stitch. (There’s also double/triple/half-double, but these mean different things depending on where you are from).

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    I'm crocheting the bags from under my sink into a tote bag.
  • The Woobles are a little pricey, but having that kind of cute project and video help can be a good motivator. I think starting with amigurumi can still be a little ambitious though. I’d suggest starting with a blanket of single crochets to get comfortable with the hook - all you need is the right size hook and yarn. No need to spend more than $6 at Walmart or Dollar Tree.

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    Trump Aides Struggle to Defend ‘Sexual’ Kamala Harris Post
  • He is straight up illiterate. I watched a video where an actor working with him on some show said he couldn’t read his lines - he insisted on making up his own lines.

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    Climate scientists flee Twitter [to Mastodon] as hostility surges
  • It’s frustrating, because you can tell they spent a lot of time making the words weaselly enough. The one about climate models especially enrages me, because yeah, they’re predictive tools with limitations (which I’ve discussed with students when I’ve taught with climate sims). But I know my old department head (who used to compliment kiddos for forgoing masks in 2020) is going to have those “uncertainties” do a lot of work.

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    Why does the USA have so few legal protections for ordinary people, and how can we change that?
  • There’s been deliberate dismantling of social services.

    I was married to a wealthy man. He was controlling and abusive, and had the police remove me from our home. It wasn’t legal, but the police have lost the records of whatever they did that night. I couldn’t get a lawyer to help me, he had access to my bank accounts and emptied them. I reached out to multiple domestic violence agencies - there is no shelter, there are no lawyers, there are maybe one or two therapists if you are lucky. But I’m basically completely helpless.

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    Climate scientists flee Twitter [to Mastodon] as hostility surges
  • The Franklin Standards need to be on everyone’s radar. They don’t want your kids to learn about climate change.

    Explain how and why Earth’s climate changes over time.

    Climate changes continually at all time scales and Earth’s climate has never remained constant.

    The Earth's climate has varied greatly between glacial advances and retreats that correlate with cyclical oscillations in Earth's orbit around the Sun (Milankovitch Cycles, precession).

    In addition to being affected by the climate, the biosphere also has a significant effect on the climate, including self-regulation and resiliency (carbon-oxygen cycle, hydrological cycle).

    Humans are just one of the many influences on Earth’s climate (urban heat island effect, wetland drainage, deforestation, agriculture).

    Computer models of climate are simplified simulations of the real world, and make prognostications that are inherently uncertain.

    Global weather forecast models (short term) and climate models (long term) are quite different in their design, their strengths, weaknesses, value, limitations, and uncertainties.

    The wording is subtle, but you can see how they are attacking the idea of anthropogenic climate change. (There’s similar fuckery with evolution and some subtle anti-trans stuff.) Oil and gas companies have a lot of money and can afford a lot of propaganda. No states have adopted these standards yet - we think Florida and Texas will go first, then Oklahoma will follow. But this information warfare.

  • My boyfriend knows absolutely nothing about the series other than that Natalie Portman is in the prequels. He wants to watch the prequels first - he likes her and is convinced you’re supposed to watch them in order.

    I’m advocating Machete order (with pre-Special Edition VHS rips), but he really wants to watch Phantom Menace and I’m not sure where to put Rogue One/what other non-mainline material to include.

    Do normies tend to like the sequels? I’ve told him upfront that I dislike them immensely, but I’ll tolerate them for him.

    This may come across as ridiculous but please understand - I’m just trying to maximize my chance of a couples Han/Chewie Halloween costume this year.
