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Anon is an example
  • Wow, you're a twat.

    "make her feel better for 5 minutes by making him feel worse for... however long that scar lasts, oh, and you can't find a relationship because you suck" has got to be the shittest take I've heard all day

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    Russia, Iran and China seen ‘ramping up’ effort to divide US voters.
  • I know we used to find common ground and reach across the aisle, and I just don't know how we'll ever get back there now, to be quite honest. In that way, the American political landscape in the last 50 years has gotten much, much worse.

    I'm honestly not sure how much of that you can attribute to foreign powers vs. Ronald Reagan, Donald Trump, and Dick Cheney (off the top of my head -- there are many more), but it's interesting to think about.

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    Trump rejects second Harris debate
  • I will chip in if someone sets up a GoFundMe to do exactly this

    Like, how much could it possibly cost to hire someone in NYC to do this for a few hours some night? Surely this is a crowdfundable amount.

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    MAGA pastor claims Kamala Harris deployed "witchcraft" in Trump debate
  • Oh, man, I knew the debate was gonna be funny to watch, and I knew republicans would be shitting themselves after I saw it, but I had no idea just how funny the aftermath would be to watch. "it's not that Trump lost, it's that Kamala Harris has occult powers" was not only not on my Bingo card, I didn't even have a bingo card ready.

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    Job application hell
  • I don't know if you're in the same boat I am, but this is about the boat I'm in:

    saw that on here a couple days back, and I've been applying to jobs for six months! The 'tism is some bullshit.

    I'm sure I could get a job at Walmart or McDonald's if I had no standards, but frankly I'd rather just scrape by doing Uber and Lyft. And everything else that I have applied to? Got me two whole interviews. In six months. Which I then never heard back from.

    Fuck modern employment culture, man.

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    Blood puddles, mold, tainted meat, bugs: Boar’s Head inspections are horrifying
  • no no, you misunderstand, vegans/vegetarians usually aren't doing it to be healthy, they're doing it to feel morally superior.

    What you mean to mock them with is "yeah cartels are wholesome, sex and drug trafficking is good for the soul 🤗"

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    Ran into this over on Reddit
  • Not much different from the far left

    Careful, reminding the tankies about the horseshoe upsets them, and there are a lot of tankies on Lemmy.

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    People who gave up on "the dream", do you regret it? How are you?
  • I'm still in the process of letting mine die (hope is a stubborn thing), but sometimes you need to accept your lot in life. Not everyone gets to do everything they want to.

    now, I just don't know what else to dream for instead. As it is, I'm just existing and waiting to die.

  • The ol' razzle dazzle
