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notifications rule
  • While I do this too I'm beginning to think that it's being too nice, companies see that as us still using the app after the annoying notification, so Google has no reason to stop incoraging App devs to do it

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    "Modding is pretty big" says Baldur's Gate 3 director as over 1m mods are installed in less than 24 hours
  • Oh I know, and for most games I don't, but in the case of games I really like I like to, and besides I've got so few left (and not even the hardest ones at that) that if I didn't at least try it would bug me

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    "Modding is pretty big" says Baldur's Gate 3 director as over 1m mods are installed in less than 24 hours
  • Last I heard the achievement enabler mod was still broken on this version, So I'm currently playing vanilla, trying to get the last few achievements I need So that I won't have to care about them anymore.

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    Microsoft's 'Recall' feature can't be uninstalled after all
  • And no, I'm not being a Linux fanboy

    Most of us aren't, we just get labeled as such for not being willing to use an OS that uses and abuses us

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    Slut shaming rule
  • I keep wanting to get into NV but something about the pale desert colors just puts me off of it

    I have been enjoying Fallout London on my steam deck though

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    "REM sleep is the next AI"
  • Agree 100%, though the idea of recording dreams would be A privacy nightmare on another level from anything we've dealt with before

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    Let's Uninstall Chrome but...
  • No but the US government might, and then where will Firefox be?

    Hopefully still kicking because I don't want to go back to chrome
