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Linus Torvalds: Speaks on the Rust vs C Linux Divide
  • It forces you to be careful in the way it wants you to be careful. Which is fine, but it makes it a strange beastie for anyone not used to it.

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    The first graders who survived Sandy Hook will vote in their first presidential election
  • Are you serious? There are "icons" from that era known for their violence and "spectacle".

    Bonnie & Clyde; Baby face Nelson; Al Capone; John Dillenger; Machine Gun Kelly (before his singing career)


    These people were horrible and killed a lot of non-gang members.

    "Newsreels from the period chronicled the violence. In one from 1931, footage shot in New York shows walls along a city street pockmarked with bullet holes, and the children caught in the crossfire of gang warfare."

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    The first graders who survived Sandy Hook will vote in their first presidential election
  • School shootings in particular are a "new thing" - I'll grant that. But in general gun violence in the US is definitely not a new thing.

    EDIT: Also - schools shooting today are actually still "extreme outliers" on the order of the gang violence of the '30s. They're far more common than they should be, but they're still pretty rare given the number of schools in the US.

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    The first graders who survived Sandy Hook will vote in their first presidential election
  • I literally quoted what I was replying to. "Schools" is not mentioned.

    At one point in the 1930s the Sears catalog would send a full auto Tommy Gun straight to your house via mail order with no background check. And yet in those eras the idea of a grand spectacle suicide/homicide event would have been absolutely unthinkable, even among the most disposessed in society.

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    The first graders who survived Sandy Hook will vote in their first presidential election
  • At one point in the 1930s the Sears catalog would send a full auto Tommy Gun straight to your house via mail order with no background check. And yet in those eras the idea of a grand spectacle suicide/homicide event would have been absolutely unthinkable, even among the most disposessed in society.


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    Kremlin revives Soviet-style youth indoctrination as it eyes ‘forever war’ with Ukraine and the West
  • What would cut into their profits?? Have you never seen how authoritarian regimes work? Do you think North Korea officials want to revolt because of their starving labor pool?

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    Mexico will amend its constitution this weekend to require all judges to be elected
  • We have a strong "anti-expertise" streak going on at the moment, and it's painful to watch. "Trust experts to select judges? What do they know?"

    It's a problem, and I have no idea what has led to it.

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    Mexico will amend its constitution this weekend to require all judges to be elected
  • I didn't think we were "arguing" - just a discussion. You're right that there is no such thing as "rule of law" without corruption. Or government without corruption. Or a fantasy soccer league without corruption. etc. All human things are corrupted by bad people.

    The point is not to remove corruption completely, which isn't possible, but to minimize it and make it less effective.

  • Roundcube Webmail Flaws Allow Hackers to Steal Emails and Passwords

    Discover critical vulnerabilities in Roundcube webmail software that could allow hackers to steal sensitive data. Learn about the latest security patc

    If you're self hosting roundcube be sure to update.
