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Changing to static IP at the command line (see also: Netplan sucks)
  • Good choice : Install ifupdown or whatever. YAML it's a terrible file to edit by commandline.

    Bad choice : use chatgpt to generate your network configuration

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    My mail server log. What is happening?
  • This IP it's failing rDNS, the PTR address of that IP points to the domain name , but not the other way around. This alone does not invalidate a connection but should raise it's spam threshold.

    It has issued an authentication attempt, and after failing it has quit the connection.

    If the people at do not sound familiar to you, it's probably an automated attack.

    The most basic thing you should have in place it's a brute force protector, like fail2ban, or netfilter. Crowsec it's nice too. Otherwise you are going to get hosed.
