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And right wingers in the US will continue to lump them together with Iran even though Iran is their biggest counterweight in the region, cause muslims are scary and all totally the same

Why Bashar why? 😭
  • I honestly dont trust it. All from 2 israeli sources and not even like 1-2 years ago Assad was talking about how horrible nazis were and how NATO incorporated them into their network in europe with operation gladio after pretending to be against fascism. I expect this is just another hit job trying to paint anti Zionists as holocaust deniers and nazis. The Israeli media and govt has shown how quick they are to lie about even the most obvious shit, saying things like calendars with days of the week are lists of hamas members and that palestinian school books are in English with dedication pages to terrorists.

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    Less meat is nearly always better than sustainable meat, to reduce your carbon footprint
  • Animal agriculture is worse for the climate than all transportation combined multiple times over. You talk so arrogantly about something you know nothing about. Transport is 2% ish global emissions animal ag is over 12%.

  • I feel like I'm missing something here. US doing that would have made them much stronger against China. I mean just imagine how much more robust the European economy would be if all the gas going to China was going right to Europe.

    Though in typing that out I may have answered my own question. Is it really just because US wanted to European market to themselves? This seems incredibly short sighted.


    It is my understanding that class conflict is seen as the primary contradiction at least in this epoch of history. My question is, what are the new contradictions that formed under socialism thus far and what would be the theorized contradictions under communism? What was the primary contradiction during primitive communism? Or perhaps my questions show a fundamental misunderstanding, which if so I would like corrected. Thank you!

    5 Tucker Carlson bizarrely suggested that the US should send an armed force to 'liberate' Canada from Justin Trudeau

    Fox News host Tucker Carlson compared Justin Trudeau to Fidel Castro and said he was "completely in favor of a Bay of Pigs operation" in Canada.

    Imperial core is in utter disarray right now and it's fucking hilarious.

    Thoughts on this article?
  • On your last paragraph- I recently saw a clip of this same guy defending Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge against, and this is a direct quote, "revisionist Vietnam". I found the whole video and couldn't get much into it, it's very obvious he is pure spectacle, pretty sure it may even be satire? Same guy unironically calls himself a "maga communist" which makes me think it may be satirical as well. MAGA communism is hilarious and is the American version of "national socialism". Feel like it's either a character being played or it's a straight up psy op.

  • Kosovo calls for NATO intervention after weekend of violence amid rising ethnic tensions | CNN

    Kosovo’s Prime Minister urged NATO peacekeeping troops to intervene after minority Serb protesters blocked roads and unknown gunmen exchanged fire with police over the weekend amid rising ethnic tensions in the country’s restive north.

    Looks like things are heating up in eruope, does anyone know what's up? How likely is NATO intervention?


    Ive read so many conflicting things about modern Rojava/the Kurdish part of Syria and this aspect seems vital. Are these long term imperialist allies? Generally I see it discussed in the context of the modern occupation of Syria, where the YPG is helping the US steal Syria's oil. I really don't know much about it outside of my country's current occupation and my interest was sparked by that True Anon guy who went and fought there. At that point I thought it was just imperialist but when he started talking against the US propaganda against Assad, fake gas attacks, etc it made me think there may be more to it, and perhaps not another Kosovo/Yugoslavia type situation.

    I'm sure some of you have already seen this, but it's really good. Hakim puts out another masterpiece.
  • That's insanity coming from a place like mango press that focuses so much on other countries. These people do realize how most young people around the world learn English right? It's 80%+ pop culture and consuming stuff that comes from the US/Britain. My longest relationship was with a girl from Italy who's parents didn't even speak a word of English and she was 10x more well versed in American pop culture and popular sayings than I am as an American myself. Even Yugopnik himself has said he basically taught himself English through American movies and video games.

  • I have seen some of their stuff around, it is recommended a lot for me when watching anything related to Ukraine. I first saw them in relation to the stuff that was happening with Gonzalo Lira, and because of that I've always assumed they weren't worth taking that seriously. They were promoting Lira this dude known for red pill sexist bs and when I looked them up I saw they had a news app with a description talking about "traditional values" which was a huge red flag for me and I've ignored them since.

    But today I go to watch The Left Lens with Danny Haiphong, and he had them on. I'm about 20 minutes in so far and honestly this has me interested in them. They're covering that recent video of a EU official talking about how Europe is a "garden" and the global south, Russia, etc are "the jungle" and shit. Surprisingly to me the first response was one of the Duran guys talking against European supremacy and colonialism and the like and how they exploit the global South. I looked up Alexander Mercouris and the first article I see is about how Asia is the future and US empire is dying. Maybe it's just me living in the US, but I've never heard a right winger talk like this. What do you guys think?

    They aren't even trying to hide the propaganda
  • I honestly struggle to wrap my mind around the idea of term limits = democracy. Here in the US the only reason we have them is one president did the bare minimum and gave the working class some crumbs and kept winning so they implemented term limits. It seems to almost always be implemented as a way to stop democracy.

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    South Korea accidentally hit its own base with missile while warning the North
  • DPRK's missile was a response to joint military drills near DPRK by the US, South Korea, and Japan. These countries basically every single year do war games near DPRK simulating an invasion. While tensions may exist broadly among the people, Japan and South Korea are very united militarily, primarily because both countries are total US puppet states and their important in containing DPRK and China.

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    Public Transit orgs: Hey commuters, what do you want most?
  • Wait what? Companies are allowed to use your data to boost the price for you individually when they know you're desperate? That is some seriously dystopian shit if you're not joking. Sets a pretty fucked precedent too.

  • So when I'm thinking about ending western imperialism one of the first institutions that is a major block is the EU. Not only does it facilitate global exploitation in favor of the global north, but it also forces austerity in Europe and my understanding is that you literally cannot be a socialist government in the EU- this is not something we can change/take power of, but something that must be ended entirely.

    In terms of the current crisis, the EU is leading the charge to essentially rid Europe of all Russian energy. As someone who does not and has never lived in Europe, I'm wondering if I'm witnessing the beginning of the end for the EU and how easy or realistic it would be for countries to escape its grasp. I would also like to extend the time frame we're looking at a bit- if this crisis doesn't directly cause people to leave the EU this winter it could still cause it down the line. It just comes down to how decoupled Russia and China become from the west at the end of all this. Especially 10 years down the line, it is inevitable many countries side with China over the US if they're forced to choose just 1. That's not even including the amount of countries that are totally fucked without Russian gas. I just don't get how the EU could maintain itself through such a crisis, a self caused one at that.


    Here is a Reuters article from May 22-

    "Peru's attorney general's office announced on Sunday it was including President Pedro Castillo in an investigation into alleged crimes including influence peddling, collusion and "criminal organization."

    Peru's Public Ministry on Twitter said Pablo Sanchez, the country's top prosecutor, will lead the investigation into Castillo given the "seriousness of the accusations" made in an investigation against former Minister of Transport and Communications Juan Silva and six legislators from the opposition party."

    What do you all think of Settlers
  • Settlers is probably the one book I hear the most different things about, where I will read 5 articles/writings on it and all 5 people come away with a different thesis. At this point I think I need to accept reading Lenin isn't enough and just read settlers because there seems to be 2 general groups, one saying Settlers is 100% necessary and calls for uniting of settler and colonized proles and another group who says Settlers was pushed by the CIA to keep the working class divided along race lines and not uniting around class.

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    Am I right to get angry when people "don't do politics" or blow it off/demonstrate apathy?
  • Reminds me of the right wing western gamer crowd who will go on about games having political undertones as if meaningful art is a bad thing but half their post history is just China/Russia bashing and social credit jokes

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    Yes, Russia just took another big city, but dont worry they are still losing! Now updoot and continue with your day as normal citizen.
  • We should be more hesitant to outright declare that as a win this early in everything playing out. It's very possible this was a trap set by the US to bog down Russia and have an opportunity to expand NATO while Russia is busy. They would also love to make a move on China while Russia is bogged down in Ukraine, media is really trying to get the people along with war over Taiwan.

    Not trying to say Russia is losing here, just that we should step back and realize this could play out in 100000 different ways and many are not good for Russia long term. In 5 years things will be much clearer but until then we should speak with less certainty.
