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heh heheh hehHAAHAHAHA (⁄ ⁄ ͡°⁄ ▽ ⁄ ͡°⁄ ⁄)
  • sadly due to homophobia you cannot legally marry multiple people in most countried

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    That is an act of cruelty towards the poor pokémon
  • The desktop that thinks it knows what's best for you

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    Some questions about yt-dlp
  • to my knowledge you can't get squares from yt-dlp. Strawberry Music Player has a feature to download and embed the cover from MusicBrainz, I usually use that (I have to correct the tags from yt-dlp most of the time anyways). I think Picard has that too, but I don't use that.

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    [Hyprland] I have no idea what I'm doing
  • I like how readable it is and how comfy it feels

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    What wm exist that allow us to set a specific workspace for some programs?
  • Hyprland has window rules

    You can for example keep Discord on workspace 4 with windowrulev2 = workspace 4, class:discord

    windowrulev2 exists because just windowrule works differently for legacy purposes

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    [Hyprland] I have no idea what I'm doing
  • I was somewhat joking, my partner uses NixOS too, but we're long-distance.

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    [Hyprland] I have no idea what I'm doing
  • I do quite the opposite of fucking actually, I use NixOS

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    [Hyprland] I have no idea what I'm doing
  • and background_opacity 0.85. The blur is unconfigured Hyprland blur.

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    [Hyprland] I have no idea what I'm doing
  • pretty much just default starship with a few modules enabled

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    [Hyprland] I have no idea what I'm doing
  • I really like Hyprland. Too bad Vaxry is… one of the people of all time.

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    [Hyprland] I have no idea what I'm doing
  • no, nix run lets you run programs that aren't installed. you can still run installed programs normally.

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    [Hyprland] I have no idea what I'm doing
  • no, I have 2 misskey tabs and an unoptimized cookie clicker knock-off open

  • [Hyprland] I have no idea what I'm doing

    cross-posted from: >- OS: NixOS > - WM: Hyprland > - Bar. Waybar > - Terminal: Kitty > - Browser: Firefox with Sideberry, Adaptive Tab Bar Colour, and some basic userChrome.css to hide the native tab bar and the sidebar title > - Colour Scheme: Catppuccin Mocha > - Wallpaper: VDawg's submission to the Hyprland wallpaper contest > - Dotfiles: Unavailable. I haven't migrated some configs to nix yet (most notably hyprland) and I don't manage them with git either. also they're a mess. > > Feel free to ask me how I did things, information is difficult to find sometimes, so I'm happy to help

    • OS: NixOS
    • WM: Hyprland
    • Bar. Waybar
    • Terminal: Kitty
    • Browser: Firefox with Sideberry, Adaptive Tab Bar Colour, and some basic userChrome.css to hide the native tab bar and the sidebar title
    • Colour Scheme: Catppuccin Mocha
    • Wallpaper: VDawg's submission to the Hyprland wallpaper contest
    • Dotfiles: Unavailable. I haven't migrated some configs to nix yet (most notably hyprland) and I don't manage them with git either. also they're a mess.

    Feel free to ask me how I did things, information is difficult to find sometimes, so I'm happy to help

    what the hell is happening in ultramarine linux
  • The person in this screenshot ended a podcast they were on with the word Nya.

  • This goes to anyone like me who's still using this app

    Liftoff doesn't have anything that deletes old data from cache, which means with time it will take up a good amount of storage, so we have to clear it manually every once in a while

    You probably already know how by now but if you don't:

    settings app > apps > liftoff > clear cache or long press liftoff icon > app info > clear cache

    The clear cache button might be hidden behind a storage or data submenu.

    I think I was around 850MB this time, so y'all are probably around 1GB

    Let's keep coping that liftoff is still maintained even though the last commit was in July.

    Btw I don't care that someone else usually does this, I'm bored.

    CW: Harry Potter. What's your stance on JK Rowling and Hogwarts Legacy
  • I watched a single 2 hour YouTube video about JK Rowling (well, about Harry Potter, but focused on JK Rowling), so I obviously know everything about her (/s), and in my professional Rowling expert opinion I say:
    I don't like her, her books, the games affiliated with her books, or anything else she's associated with.

    Also I'm a "actual trans people with sense"™, so my opinion can't be discarded.

    Also if that counts I used to be active in a discord server with primarily "actual trans people with sense"™ and talking about the game was literally not allowed because one of the mods was tired of having to tell people why the game is bad.

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    Songs about Vim
  • It's easy to see, honestly. That green is pretty recognizable

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    Am I doing this correctly?
  • I don't understand how anyone could be so delusional to think that leaving the tabs in Kitty unconfigured would be ok. (/j, I just think they look kinda ass by default)

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    Songs about Vim
  • Spotify?

  • Edit: I replaced it with a book

    I'm specifically referring to microSD cards here, but I'm too lazy to type that every time and I doubt many people will think of full-sized ones anyway.

    I got two 256GB SD cards (Samsung pro plus something) for Christmas, but I can't think of a good use for the second one. I have a Raspberry Pi, currently with a 32 GB SD card, where I'm gonna put the first one. My phone has 128 GB of storage, which is already enough for me. I'm considering putting it in my Nintendo Switch, but it already has a 64GB SD card, which is enough for the 2 non-physical games we have. I plan on getting a Steam Deck once I can afford it, but that already has a lot of storage. I don't have a camera or drone or similar. Selling is not an option. A refund is technically an option, but I'd rather find a use for it.


    It's apparently supposed to make a distinction between trans people before/after bottom surgery. I doubt that's a common use for that word, but I still have a few points against that specifically:

    • I don't think it's ok to make a distinction those in this way
    • It straight up ignores that not everyone wants bottom surgery
    • It's not even the way '-sexual' is used normally.

    Most people just use it interchangeably with transgender to my knowledge.

    If I hadn't heard of it in context it's commonly used in, I would think that it's the attraction to trans people.


    Idk if I'm making any sense here, I suck at saying/writing things that do


    I posted this a while ago on R*ddit.

    I remember it took me like a solid 5 minutes to get that screenshot of Madeline dashing, and another 5 minutes to get the screenshot of Hunter dashing.

    Image description:

    The font in this image is the font used in Minecraft.

    Small image of Madeline "Hello Hunter from" The Owl House Logo. Small Image of Hunter from The Owl House "Hello Madeline from" Celeste Logo. Screenshot of Madeline mid-dash. Screenshot of Hunter dashing. Small text in the bottom left corner "made with MS Paint".


    idk why, but whenever I need an Arch ISO, I rather build it myself with Archiso than download it from the website. Am I alone with this?


    Not something that would have to be on all the time, but more something that can be off overnight. This question feels like it has an obvious yes/no answer that I'm missing.

    Edit: pihole was a bad example


    I was trying to mark this community as t-friendly but it doesn't show up in the context menu.
