Trumpers aren't far right, they're conservative, big difference. There may some elements that are, but the majority aren't what I would call Far Right. NeoLiberalism is far right authoritarian if you want to get specific. The cancelling of individuals for unpopular ideas, is Far Right behaviour as well.
Joe Bolton is a prime example of Far Right (NeoCon), Mike Pompeo, and John McCain.
You really should watch the Joe Rogan video I posted this evening. Might open some eyes.
I don't know enough about the German AFD and I hesitate to call them far right because I'm jaded enough to know that because we're being fed that, doesn't necessarily make it so.
We should be fearful when governments deny political parties the right to form a government, as the current government in Germany is trying to do with the AfD. and what is happend in Romania. This is NOT democracy. Neither is weaponizing censorship, which even Canada is doing.