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Client-side authentication illustrated
  • It’s a suggestion, and just enough enforcement to stop people from accidentally wandering that way. Who knows, it might actually be a “don’t go this way, there’s something dangerous” kind of thing, or they could have actual security further along.

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    Sudo is coming to windows
  • They're also aknowledging that it already existed... It's new to windows. I don't like them either but you don't need to actively look for shit to be upset at them over.

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    14 December 1986
  • That is still how it feels playing Scrabble with my mom. She wrote for a living for years and is way too good at Scrabble.

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    Children are cryptids
  • I'm just imagining the cycle continuing with the octopus until eventually it becomes replaced by a statue of an Eldritch horror and becomes "Fweej the awakened"

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    No excuses
  • I'm using the bathroom right now, have only gotten 3 hours of sleep at most, and am browsing Lemmy so that I don't get a panic attack over potentially not having my medication for two weeks...

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    Baking seems like so much more fun
  • Meanwhile swap them to get normal baking and cooking without a predefined recipe. Anyone can cook and have it turn out well. If you do not have at least a masters in chemistry and you try to bake, it will fucking explode, burn, still be frozen in the center (even if it wasn't before), be too salty, need a little bit more salt, implode, and make the entire house smell like it's on fire until the heat death of the universe 5 seconds after you put it in the oven.

    If you have a recipe they're fairly similar, but baking is more precise while cooking usually requires more direct attention.

  • I've been trying for like 20 minutes. The rest of the chapter has only taken me 10.

    Edit: Just fucking beat it after an hour. I still have absolutely no fucking clue what I was doing wrong. And in case it wasn't absolutely obvious: I was trying to beat the level without dashing.
