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Taylor Swift endorses Kamala Harris
  • For those of us who don't celebrity worship, this isn't news. Anyone paying attention knows she leans left. Why anyone cares what a billionaire has to say is beyond me; there's no such thing as a moral billionaire. That said, if you care about democracy, vote.

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    American tourists visiting the EU, what do you think of it?
  • I agree. I currently live near den Haag and the food leaves something to be desired. Kind of a surprise that a country so close to France - a culinary pinnacle - hasn't picked up a thing or two.

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    Republicans threaten a government shutdown unless Congress makes it harder to vote
  • Dems should threaten them with a good time. Say, sure, to vote you have to prove you're a citizen... by showing your passport. More than half of these clowns haven't ever left their trailer park towns.

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    Temporary rule: No shitposts on vegan pets and feeding them.
  • So long as you make it a balanced beans diet. Pinto, kidney, canellini, ya' know, all the good stuff. They gotta grow their toe beans big and strong.

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    Death Valley heat melts skin off a man's feet after he lost his flip-flops in the dunes
  • Interesting anecdote. I'm a European-American; members of my family and I have all seen scorpions in Spain, Italy, and especially Greece - all you need to do is stroll through a village at night. As for the US, I've never seen one outside a terrarium.

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  • Anecdotal, but I grew up in the US and I learned this in middle school as a gifted student. Others have mentioned it depends on the state/curriculum. I imagine in other countries they also divide their students between standard/honors/gifted-type tiers; they certainly do in the Netherlands, which is where I did my graduate studies.

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    DeSantis Declares Emergency Over Floods After Cutting Stormwater Funds
  • It wouldn't work (I should have added /s); it would introduce new problems, not to mention the issue of radiation poisoning.

    Sharpies, though, solve all problems.

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    I made shepards pie but with steak!
  • I'm an American, and I too know the difference between cottage and Shepherd's pie. Some people never leave their small towns and assume their experience and limited knowledge is universal.
