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Why haven't you taken the bear pill?
  • I still don’t see what you’re getting at, neither do I see any gish gallops here.

    1 is the claim, the other an example on the same subject.

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    Why haven't you taken the bear pill?
  • Bear: Couldn’t tell you what he’s up to even if it wanted to

    Men: Can actually listen and talk their intentions.

    Why is a man less predictable in this case? You all just claim things without the slightest bit of argument behind it… so please tell my why that would be the case.


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    Why haven't you taken the bear pill?
  • Not at all. You said being alone in a forest with a man is more dangerous than a bear, and I said that’s statistically nonsense.

    Just because I wrote more than 2 sentences, doesn’t make that a gish gallop.

    There are 2 premises:

    1. Bears are dangerous (I agree)
    2. A random man in a forest is more dangerous to a woman than that bear (I strongly disagree)

    I showed my numbers for that 1 argument and that’s it. I’m happy to be proven wrong, if you have anything more than “it just is”.

    I’m not defensive I find this comparison to be simply ridiculous.

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    Thoughts on Google turning every device into a scanner for Find My Device?
  • For AirTags, those notifications should only start if:

    • The AirTag has not been with his owner for more than 4 hours
    • The AirTag is moving
    • The AirTag persistently stays close to another device that isn’t associated with the AirTag owners Apple ID

    For Teachers this shouldn’t be an issue unless their students have tecb challenged parent. AirTags arent meant for tracking kids. If it’s their AirTag, they are with them and the alarm won’t trigger. If they have a shared AirTag (possible since iOS 17) they are with theyr own AirTag and the alarm won’t trigger. If they got one that is ONLY registered to their parents, then it will trigger the Anti Stalking feature and those parents should be educated on their problematic use of an AirTag.

    Those kids should have an Apple Watch, all the tracking options for parents, none of the hassle of stalking alerts. Or they now just use a shared AirTag which they would then also need to have an Apple ID enabled device with them. So the watch is usually the more afordable and versatile option.

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    Why haven't you taken the bear pill?
  • Which would be?

    It’s nonsense. Out of 100 bear encounters about 1 turns violent. Now, how many men does the average women come in contact to daily and how many of them turn violent? I’m pretty sure the numbers are much, much lower than that for a bear encounter.

    My Wife walked passed approximately 1’000 just today. No one even talked to her in a weird way. This whole argument is just fear mongering with sociallly acceptable sexism. This doesn’t solve any problems.

    Also, statistically, strangers are the last people tk worry about. The overwhelming majority of abuse victims know their abuser or are even related. You should be more afraid to see uncle Frank and aunt Jenny in the woods than any random man.

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  • He should have let an AI proofread this…

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    Inside the Climate Protests Hell-Bent on Stopping Tesla
  • Also the country that still predominantly runs on coal for its power grid… one would think they have bigger fish to fry. EVs are a net positive after about 40’000km compared to ICE Cars. (Even faster depending on the source of charging)

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    Draw your own conculsions
  • Yeah male virginity. Male is an adjective in this case.

    Male or especially Female as a noun, has a very weird ring to it. Sounds kinda disrespectful, as said above, like your talk about cattle…

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    Draw your own conculsions
  • It's interesting, but that stat doesn't really tell us everything. It only looks at guys who haven’t been with any women since they turned eighteen. A lot has changed since 2008, especially with more same-sex couples being open and accepted. That detail alone could throw off those numbers. Plus, with all the tech and social changes, who's to say people's sex lives haven't shifted in other ways too?

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    How do passkeys work across devices?
  • Passkeys should display a QR Code for you to scan with a trusted device if you try to use them on a device that doesn’t have your passkey stored.

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    Apple's $3500 Nightmare
  • All those dumb videos and articles remind me of the iPhone Launch (Steve Ballmer had something to say about the phone back then), then the iPad and afterwards the Watch. And in all segments Apple now has one of if not the best product available.

    I don’t think people have a clue what the vision pro is. The price isn’t huge for what it does, considering I can buy a Magic Leap 2 for the same price. This is not a 500$ toy Headset to play games.

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    If you are someone who likes chocolate, what kind of chocolate do you like best?
  • I can literally buy the cheapest stuff in my grocerie store here and it still tastes somewhat decent… Shouldn’t have to be expensive. Making decent chocolate isn’t exactly rocket science. But hey we are talking about the US where fresh bread apparently still is kind of rare and most people eat Wonder Bread (why it’s even called bread is beyond me though…)

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    If you are someone who likes chocolate, what kind of chocolate do you like best?
  • As a Swiss person who likes chocolate, that sounds disgusting 😱

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    Statement on Trouble in Pairs
  • Ooof… that’s embarrassing. Does Wizard not check for such things? It’s not that hrd to use an image lookup tool these days to check fr plagiarism…

    Thanks for the context!

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    What's a bit of good advice that's really bad advice?
  • Fair. I do that with most coworkers. I have one maybe two I consider friends and we do stuff outside if work. Those are the people that know me. Everyone else knows the work version of me.

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    What's a bit of good advice that's really bad advice?
  • Couldn’t agree more. I decided to become a chef as my career of choice after school, cause I liked cooking. Can’t remember me cooking at home once in the three years of my training and the year I worked the job afterwards. Now I love it again and cook (almost) exclusively for my wife and me.

    Liking your job is cool but making your hobby your job and still keeping it as a hobby works out for a very small minority of people. For most it either destroys your hobby or you start resenting yout job.

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    Influence of the Church in Germany
  • And yet people here still don’t see the church as a problen even if, or sometimes especially if they aren’t religious themselves…

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    Statement on Trouble in Pairs
  • Totally out of the loop; what’s s the issue?

  • A little parody on Gloria Gayners "I will survive" that I just had in my feed. Love it xD
