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  • That'll happen after a solid meatspinning. Merry-go-rounds can be pretty dangerous too if you're not careful.

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    Words truly matter
  • I want to believe that the kids mentioned in posts like this are playing along with their parents' delusions so they don't have to sit through another lecture about how the Federal Reserve is a Ponzi scheme and they're chemtrailing us with fluoride.

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    Teacher says contract wasn't renewed because he wouldn't use trans students' preferred names
  • Good, fuck off. He can find a new job where he's not expected to treat his fellow humans with the respect they deserve. Being wrong about the nature of reality doesn't grant the right to be an asshole even if they sincerely believe that it should.

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    If "AI" doesn't attract customers why are companies hyping it so hard? Are they just dumb or is there another factor?
  • Suits heard about this secret sauce called AI that can cut down on the need for those pesky humans that are always looking for handouts and luxuries like a living wage and benefits. The consumer will have to accept it when the only choices they're offered are varying flavors of the same shit.

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    Did Trump‘s VP pick JD Vance just ‘swiftboat’ Tim Walz by attacking his military record?
  • That's a fair point, I was just enjoying the image of the average "I was gonna join but..." doing sloppy dive rolls down supermarket aisles and saluting anything that moved.

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    Did Trump‘s VP pick JD Vance just ‘swiftboat’ Tim Walz by attacking his military record?
  • Maybe not in the air force but it's totally a thing for secret agent Delta Recon SEAL Raider Green Berets like aodhswhateverthefuck up there. They're so elite, they'll even salute civilians.

  • I was in the middle of something in another room and it occurred to me that this familiar expression could be adapted for ADHD: A watched pot never catches fire. Good reminder to exercise a little extra caution in the everyday tasks that get boring but are still dangerous if you get complacent. Driving, cooking, poking around in a running computer with screwdriver even though you know you should shut it off, that sort of thing.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I should get back to cooking breakfast before the "food is done" alarms start going off throughout the building.


    cross-posted from:

    > Took a while to get here, any ideas for what to do with it?

    [Edit: Image broke so I've hosted it elsewhere.]


    Took a while to get here, any ideas for what to do with it?

    [Edit: Image broke so I've hosted it elsewhere.]


    User (Soraya Pepe) is advertising a forum service as well as a booking site where you can order donuts* that they'll deliver to your hotel room. They are using links to obscure links to their forum topics in community sidebars as well. These communities are ! and !


    Probably not donuts.

    2 has created 80+ communities here, most of which are empty save for a "Looking for moderators" post. Some have 0-3 posts which are nearly all from the creator and a couple have some regular user activity.

    I recognize that this may not be against the rules as long as it's not simply for the purpose of squatting on a name but is worth observing for future developments. It does not appear that this user intends to actively moderate since they're looking to hand those communities off as soon as they're created.

    11 /

    "He Gets Us" advertising campaign setting up on this instance.

    Edit: And it's gone. Thanks!


    The image was in one of my old document folders alongside some saved image macros and things. Think he was called Candleman, Candlejack, Candlestick, something like that. I just don't remem-
