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NixOS on OnePlus 6 with Extra Steps, or the Diary of my Descent into Madness
  • Jesus fucking christ this is a hell of a project, Ill finish reading when I get home today.

    Hats off to you for pulling it off. Why is it that every time I read something by a NixOS person I get the inpressiom that they are very smart but are completely mad.

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    Failed Venezuelan coup leader Juan Guaidó lands new gig as visiting prof at Florida International U - The Grayzone
  • guaido juan guaido has declared himself the interim president of Florida International U

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    Oh cool, a sword of detect evil
  • They do but it's 1+charisma mod per day uses. The 5e players I know would immediately start stabbing people just to save on resources.

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    bcachefs is now in linux-next!
  • bcache is inherently designed to be an ssd cache that sits in front of slower bigger disks. Bcachefs is an extension of this into it's own filesystem. iirc the words of the bcache creator were: 'we've implemented 80% of a filesystem here, might as well go the rest of the way'. So how much it thrashes a disk is based on what position you give it in the architecture. The caching ssds are going to be used heavily, taking advantage of their fast random access to manage all random accesses, while sequential operations generally go to the slower disk that's set as the background device. The background disks will tend to be accessed less.

    So yeah, it's based on what kind of disk and position in the bcache, and what caching options you enable. If you want to look into it further, bcache is fs agnostic, so if you can find some tests that have been done for bcache enabled for classic linux filesystems, like ext4 and xfs, that include hardware degradation info, you'll probably end up with similar usage and hardware wear with the actual bcachefs.

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    bcachefs is now in linux-next!
  • Finally, I've been waiting forever for this. btrfs is a mess and zfs in oracle jail forever. Finally we cna have good COW on linux without stupid hoops.

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    Which cracks and repacs works best on linux?
  • there's a group called johncena141 who do linux specific repacks. They put the windows game in a dwarfs read only compressed archive, and then have an editable layer on top of it where saves and changes get written. The windows games are put into a wine wrapper and then you can run them while they're still compressed. It's pretty cool, but can be a bit finicky. Getting dwarfs installed can be a pain depending on your system. I find their stuff can be very hit or miss, but I like that they exist.

    Besides that, ymmv with all the other repacks. Sometimes fitgirl works fine for me, sometimes it fucks up completely. Same goes for dodi. though I've found dodi to be a bit more reliable on wine than fitgirl.

    That's my two cents on stuff.

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    What are some commonly known facts that are too bizarre for you to believe to be true?
  • You know what, I'll bite. I want to see this, genuinely. Please link me the study of innovation you're referencing.

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    What are some commonly known facts that are too bizarre for you to believe to be true?
  • you sound like someone gave chatgpt a prompt about shoving the word innovation into a meaningless set of sentences as many times as possible.

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    Safety Campaign Teaches New Parents That Babies Can Die In Just 1 Or 2 Inches Of Lava
  • good luck trying to undo the damage of what minecraft has taught them

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    I need to replace one line in a ton of . json files
  • I have made a python script and ran it on a clone of your git repo to confirm it works, simply run it at the root directory of wherever the files are, it will walk through and find module.json and do the replace.

    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    import re
    import os
    import fileinput
    pattern = re.compile(r'(?P\.+)\"compatibility\":{\"minimum\":\"(?P\\d+)\",\"verified\":\"(?P\\d+)\"},(?P\.+)')
    def make11(match):
        if match.groupdict().get('min', None) and match.groupdict().get('ver', None):
            return f"{match.groupdict()['pre']}\"compatibility\":{{\"minimum\":\"11\",\"verified\":\"11\"}},{match.groupdict()['post']}"
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk("."):
        for file in files:
            if file == "module.json":
                for line in fileinput.input(f"{root}/{file}", inplace=True):
                    print(re.sub(pattern, make11, line))

    edit: lemmy is fucking with the formatting and removing the fucking regex group names, which will bork it. I've tried fixing it, dm me if you want me to send a downloadable link to the script

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    I need to replace one line in a ton of . json files
  • I also agree sed and some regex is your best bet

    I recommend formatting the regex with, I'm down to help you if you post some examples

    Additionally there is a cli tool, I think jq or something like that, for processing json on the command line

    I have foundry too, let me see if I can find the files that need to be updated

  • Hey, we should all really stop using racist slang to refer to customozation

    Meta post I've decided to make. I enjoyed the unixporn subreddit a lot when I used reddit more. I enjoy customizing my linux de as much as the next nerd.

    But you definitely shouldn't use racist slang to refer to the process.

    To be clear, I didn't know the origin of the term 'ricing' until fairly recently. I was chattimg with my friend and used it to describe my de setup. They informed me that apparently it's from car customization, and is a pejorative against generally asian men who customize their car to look like a racecar.

    After learning this I was sad to realize just how engrained it is in linux de customization culture. I personally have stopped using the term, and I would ask everyone here stop as well.

    I find the slices of bread deeply disturbing for some reason.
  • Every time I see a kitchen that's just soulless landlord white a piece of me dies. Living spaces should be nice, and have good color schemes. Not just the same white everywhere I go.

    Sorry I've been in the process of a move and seeing so many places like this has driven me insane.

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    You can play as a human, you know.
  • I will not stand for this anti goblin propaganda >:(

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    When do you know you need a larger disk?
  • Take this with a grain of salt, cause I did a rig upgrade not too long ago, and was accidentally shipped far more drives than I ordered, so my storage space is silly.

    Instead of replacing the drive in your machine, maybe try getting a nas or something. You can store a lot of your files there and keep the drive in your rig for things that need to be fast, like games. Also, I usually base my storage increase purposes based on how much room I need for backups. If there isn't enough room for me to do a full compressed backup, it's time to add more. Besides that, I replace the drive with most of the other parts in one large upgrade.

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    PSA: Be careful with online SMS services
  • Bitcoin is for buying drugs, and there are better cryptos for it anyways. You shoulda drained that sucker and got so much research chemicals and fenty that any cop approaching you explodes into confetti.

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    Where is zsh supposed to be?
  • tbh I always go with env variables, usually $SHELL or $zsh are set

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    btrfs appreciation post
  • I'm glad it' working well for you, but I don't think it' true to say that btrfs gets beyond its fair share of flak. It gets the exactly correct amount of flak for what it is. Every place I have worked at that wanted to deploy a COW fs on like, a NAS or server, has always gone with zfs. btrfs is such a mess it never even enters the conversation. Even if it can have its bugs ironed out, the bcache dev was right in pointing out that its on disk formats are poorly designed for their job, and cannot be revised except in a new version of the entire fs. I hope bcachefs gets merged into the kernel next year, that's a filesystem I would actually trust with my data.

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    the current skynet
  • It's even funnier than that, they managed to clone a 4channer


    Don't you all remember TayTweets or whatever it was called?
