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Central Europe braced for worst flooding in years
  • I recently listened to a podcast about food prevention, and one mayor went on record saying they don't want to build floodplains to alleviate flooding issues downriver because the last flood originated somewhere else.

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    How do you guys feel about DivestOS?
  • I'm not sure I would trust any developer that was involved with that download page. Who decided to sort by an arbitrary string assigned to a build? Might as well sort by hash.

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    It's called a wedding ring, but surely it should be called a marriage ring
  • German also has Trauring (and related words) going back to that root. Although it's rather archaic and not used nearly as much as Ehe or Heirat. And then there's Hochzeit for just the ceremony.

    I never realized how many words we use for wedding...

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    Generative AI creates playable version of Doom game with no code
  • Yes, this does nothing for game dev. But I don't think it was supposed to.

    The fact that this is a genAI Model generating a reasonable, context aware image a whopping 20 times a second is nonetheless pretty impressive.

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    i will never understand scientific fraud
  • This is also the reason why failed experiments hardly ever get published: "We tried X to achieve Y but it did not work because of Z" is very useful information for people also thinking about trying X, but good luck publishing that paper.

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    The bible in reverse...
  • The book of job is about a side that is doing really well in life, until god takes away his family and fortunes. He is angry at god, but ultimately, god caves and restores his former life.

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    Higher difficulties in every single RPG.
  • I was just about to comment exactly this. Complete with finally changing the difficulty back to normal while fighting Moder.

    We also found that Moder's health was so high that the fight was not doable in a day, leaving us fighting packs of wolves (which could two shot us while blocking) during the night as well.

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    Chlorgas-Unfall in Zinnowitz: Passanten bedrohen und beleidigen Rettungskräfte der Feuerwehr
  • Solche Leute sollten ohne Scherz einfach direkt 1-2 Wochen in Haft. Unverzüglich, damit sich selbst in deren verkümmerten Gehirnen vielleicht eine Verknüpfung von Ursache uns Wirkung bildet.

    (Ist nur schwer das rechtlich so umzusetzen, dass es nicht von Polizei & co. missbraucht werden kann)

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    What's A Piece Of Software You Could Never Do Without?
  • The jupyter console is just a better version of the interactive shell. Great for just trying out some lines of code.

    I also use notebooks at work to try out some APIs, to skip the tedium of the initial setup or some other routines.

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    Worms Armageddon Anniversary Edition: A Retro Revival | Retro Gaming News 24/7
  • I played it as a kid and then some friends reintroduced me to it on uni, including time of custom maps and game modes (the rules of which had to be enforced by ourselves)

    Like maps where you only had rope, but there was a crate spawn every turn.

    Or where you had to rope over a spire in the center of the map before you were allowed to attack, with a 45s turn timer to make it even spicier.

    At some points, we even projected the game above the blackboard while doing coursework, which was as about as productive as it sounds.

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    PKW werden größer (und schwerer)
  • Wir brauchen einfach die Kei Car Regelungen aus Japan. Günstigere Steuern und Anwohnerparkausweise (deren Normalpreis zum Ausgleich gerne hoch kann) für Autos unter 3,60m/1,55m.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • That still leaves the microphone.

    The actual simple and sane solution would just be to require indicator leds hardwired to the literal power supply lines of the camera chip/microphone, so they're physically impossible top turn off while recording.

    But that would require US or EU legislation.

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    What movies do you think have the best opening themes?
  • John Powell's opening for How to Train your Dragon deserves a shoutout for including every major Leitmotiv of the movie.

    I'll let someone smarter go into 18 minutes of more detail here:

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    Nearly 90% Of Developers Surveyed Say Premium Games Don't Need Microtransactions
  • To be fair, the levelling mechanics in some ubisoft games (looking at you, AC origins) are complete garbage that do nothing but arbitrarily restrict your movement.

    Still unsure why people would pay to skip them though.
