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Density saves nature
  • That's awesome! I'm jealous. Congrats! :D

    Sadly 7x9 is a legal bedroom size here, so long as it has a window. There's also no requirement for any of the walls to be straight, so I've seen some really unlivable room shapes

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    Density saves nature
  • We've been dead set on getting something fully detached since living in an apartment style condo. There's 0 enforcement of the little bit of laws we have as soon as it's an apartment building. The city is 100% hands off for anything not detached. None of the laws on the books are focused on or designed with any kind of density in mind.

    The condo boards are HOA's on steroids. The rulers of these little fiefdoms don't just fuss at your lawn and paint. They decide if/when the roof will be looked at, if they should bother to top up the emergency fund as much as suggested, etc. It's insane. As much as we prefer the low impact of high density, it's just not livable.

    Family have tried finding apartment buildings (condo or rent) but have given up. All of them are studio, 1, or 2 bedrooms. Max seems to be ~900 sqft, which would be fine if they were square. Unfortunately they all seem to be very long and narrow. The 900sqft also includes balconies, storage spaces, and parking spots here. It's not great.

    Every apartment style condo in this city also has serious building issues. The city just signs and doesn't inspect. The builders (major builder #451) just disappear after each build as they "go under" and the major builder they were "part of " are not considered liable since it was a subsidiary. Regulations were put in place to prevent this with detached builds but they don't cover condos.

    Until regulations make them livable I doubt we'll see a serious adoption of them for a while here.

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    Today is my one year anniversary of not eating solid food.
  • As someone that's had to do a liquid diet before, check the seniors food delivery for options. They're savory, nutritionally balanced (for seniors), and come in a variety of thicknesses. Apparently it's common for some seniors to have swallowing difficulty.

    Your mileage may vary based on your local options but it was a butt saver at the time.

    Also blending some of my favourite meals with a broth (technically you could use ensure) was a more palatable way of working back up to solids.

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    Disney gives up on trying to use Disney Plus excuse to settle a wrongful death lawsuit
  • Honestly I assumed they were pushing this simply to drag out the proceedings. That would force the widower into a position where they couldn't afford to continue, ensuring they would take whatever NDA Disney offered for whatever amount.

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    14 August 2024
  • Also some parts of historical sites. Some of the local ones have hallways that are only 5'6" max and maybe 1'6" wide if you're very lucky.

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    What's a good habit you developed you'd like to share?
  • Taking a full breath of air before chugging liquids. I accidentally exhaled before choking on some water once, body naturally tried to pull in air and got more water. Very much felt like drowning.

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    Racism Is Why Trump Is So Popular
  • They fear becoming a minority.

    clutches pearls Goodness gracious, someone might treat them like they treat minorities!

    That is literally what the white "christians" have been stressing about here. As a minority mutt that "passes", maybe try being less of an asshole?

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    What calming techniques do you utilize in your everday life?
  • Depends, but if it's a panic spiral I'll try to make myself as big as possible for a moment. It's a nice stretch but also helps reign in my brain.

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    Minecraft. Family guy, even.
  • I thought Philip DeFranco was independent? Wikipedia shows Rogue Rocket for his show?

    After searching: The Roost is a podcast company but the page for Night lists them as acquiring the show. Podcast and YouTube show with the same name?

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    Amnesty International Declares Its First ‘Prisoner of Conscience’ in Canada
  • Honestly looking them up now was the first time I'd seen anything good related to them. They made presentations in school as I was growing up that the mark. Pushing for a "child" to be released when they became an adult but had committed some truly heinous crimes was not relatable.

    This person is your age or younger and committed multiple murders and rapes. Could you imagine having to spend the rest of your life in jail for a mistake you made as a child?

    Maybe if the murder had been accidental or the rape/sexual assault had been done by someone not old enough to understand. E.g. a 5 year old that was being abused and abused another child because that was all they knew. Or someone accidentally making mustard gas while cleaning.

    Nope. Not the cases they showed off. These details and such are not exact because it's been decades. I do distinctly remember that the students were horrified and stopped volunteering with them. They brought gems like a teen (15?) murdering a family because the pre-teen daughter didn't want to date him. He then raped her, her mother, and the infant/toddler. Or an older teen that was killing people and eventually poisoned the community water supply. Not by accident. Trial and errored until people stopped just getting indigestion and started dying. Caught when they tried to replicate their "success" at a different water supply.

    Otherwise they've shown up for gems like a toxic workplace, screwing over Navalny based on posts from a pro-kremlin source, poor spending practices by an excess of upper management, claiming credit for things they didn't actually contribute to, and trying to throw Ukraine under the bus but being fine with Russia's actions.

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    I need new glasses. The only insurance-approved place I can shop online will cost $250 with my needs. I went to a "cheap" glasses website that doesn't accept insurance: $250. Yay, America.
  • None of the online places even accepted my prescription last time I looked. Mine are about $800 for the lenses during a sale. They generally give me the frames for free when they see the cost of the lenses.

    Insurance covers $200 every 2 years.

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    Logitech has an idea for a “forever mouse” that requires a subscription
  • I miss when they had good hardware for a reasonable price. Some of my cheap original Logitech laser mice are still going, almost 2 decades later. Obviously not super heavy use as the switches have not worn out, but they've been shifted about the house as other mice break. So certainly not 0 use either.

    The tasks have been things like our old media centre mouse died, the old Logi mouse "temporarily" replaced it until we replaced the media centre. It's not been unused any longer than a few months at a time.

    We tried buying some recently but the new ones are all optical so they had shit performance and died after maybe 3 months of light use.

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    Starbucks is reeling as customers go elsewhere, sales decline
  • Thanks! Did not know about the Nestle connection. We stopped going to Starbucks when it moved to a fast food type experience vs the cafe feel it had at launch here.

    Will be verifying they moved the hell away from Nestle before we consider returning.
