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What was the conversation surrounding drugs and sex like in your home growing up?
  • I still remember what my mother said to me when I got a girlfriend. "Use a condom." That was it. No pretending it wasn't going to happen.

    As for drugs, my family never liked them. They never told us kids, but my father had an issue with opiates that's cost him his job and medical license. My older brother also had an issue with opiates.

    I used to do a lot of research on erowid on drugs. Between my brother and I it was a lot of don't be stupid, do your research on what's safe and what interacts with each other, and stay away from opiates.

    For the most part, it wasn't talked about much in my family, other than my older brother my younger brother and I didn't gravitate to them too much or hang with people who did. I ended up getting really into weed for a short time, because that's where my ADHD hyper focus hobby was for a few months. Then I realized I didn't like not being sober that much.

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    Chipotle pilots new line of robots in California after $20 per hour wage.
  • More propaganda to make people hate increasing minimum wage.

    Even if minimum wage never increased, they'd still try and put these robots in. These two things are unrelated!

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    US Schools are replacing blacktop with greenery to avoid the heat island effect
  • Having lived in California, so much of their rain water actually just runs down the sewers. It's so hard for the water to absorb into their soil because it's become just baked into almost a crust. Having green space will probably make it easier for water to penetrate into the soil and be retained in the soil.

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    How much do you all pay for Power?
  • PGE are crooks. Their entire board and execs should be in prison for the fires their failing equipment have caused and the subsequent deaths.

    That said, I moved from southern California to Illinois recently. We went from 50-60 cents/kwh to something like 5 cents/kwh. I use a lot to power my servers, fans, and AC and don't fret if my bill hits $200 a month.

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    It took 50,000 gallons of water to put out Tesla Semi fire in California, US agency says
  • Not who you responded to, but that's an interesting source. I'm intrigued by a textile company claiming to be experts in lithium ion fires.

    It sounds more like options for preventing a fire to spread. It's also including CO2 extinguishers under "foam" which they very much aren't, making me doubt the rest of their blog post.

    Extinguishing fires can work largely in two different ways. Either by smothering a fire or by cooling a fuel below it's flash point. Quite often they put out a fire by doing both. A fire that contains an oxidizer cannot be smothered, but smothering can help prevent other materials in a vehicle from being able to burn along with the batteries. Cooling down a large, vehicle sized lithium ion fires takes an incredible amount of water. However, the cells themselves contain so much energy that their failure produces more thermal energy than water is able to remove.

    Is water the best to put out large EV fires? Nope.

    Is water good at preventing fires from spreading? Yep.

    Is water easily accessible and carried on every fire truck and engine and available through hydrants? Also yep.

    A lot of agencies are including car sized fire blankets as well that help smother the fire some and make burnt/burning EVs safer for tow trucks to move to a safe locations where they can be left to burn out. Sometimes for over a month! You might see fire engines literally escorting tow trucks because even with the blanket and being doused with tens of thousands of gallons, it's still at risk of reigniting during transport.

    The other big issue that agencies are facing with EV fires is that the water used to suppress these fires essentially becomes hazmat. So there are issues with letting it just run off into the storm system or the environment.

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    How far away does a concert you'd wanna go to have to be before you don't want to go to it?
  • The concert? I dunno it's pretty close. But the company to go to the show with, that I'll fly across the country for.

    When I was living in California, I had a friend text me he had an extra ticket to a Bad Religion concert in Chicago. So I booked a flight and went to see the show with him. Flight was a few hundred bucks, the "free" ticket was worth like $35.

    Honestly, it was totally worth it. One of the best concerts I've been to, probably because of who I got to see it with.

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    Steam Families is here
  • Restrict the number of accounts that can join that family group. And/or remove the ability to share the library from the main account for repeated offenses.

    Or require multiple family members accounts to have to cheat before the owner account is banned.

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    Debate wrap up: No one has ever so thoroughly dominated Donald Trump
  • At some point, I started noticing the same thing in a lot of Fox programming. If you watch Hells kitchen or tons of other fox shows. It's the toughest challenge, for the first time, most dangerous.

    It's gotten to the point that I can't ignore it, it's like the Wilhelm scream.

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    Debate wrap up: No one has ever so thoroughly dominated Donald Trump
  • I don't get the hyperbolic responses to fucking everything by Trump. It's always got to be biggest, best, worst, loudest. He fucking has no middle ground in any of the bullshit he spews.

    I was so entertained when he brought up the immigrants eating pets and how he got called out for it by the moderator. There were a few times they straight up called him out.

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    “Concepts of a plan”: Trump roasted for having no clue what he’s doing
  • She's had 4 years as VP. He's had 4 years AS PRESIDENT. And he only has the concept of a plan. He's fucking been there and his remarks are all about her not doing things when she wasn't even in that role.

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    What is a product that sounded promising but ended up being very underwhelming?
  • Yea. All the self emptying docks make them really tall, but I'd love it if the bin was on the side and pulled out forward.

    Someone should make one specifically designed to be hidden underneath shit. It's not a decoration or talking piece.

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    What is a product that sounded promising but ended up being very underwhelming?
  • Mine is alright, it doesn't mao the room but kind of finds the perimeter and start to just do lines back and forth. It's nice to vacuum when I leave the house.

    It's loud, but at least it's doing something if only evidenced by how much I empty the damn thing. Every couple months I have to take it and the dock out to the garage to blow it all out with their air compressor.

    I do think it makes me keep shit off the floor more. It wants to eat cords a lot. I want a second one with mapping so I can have it do specific rooms and this one can get sent to the basement where it doesn't need to be as fancy.

    I really hate the space it takes up, I would love one that was shorter so it could be stored underneath the side tables, or the dock and empty bin were flatter so it could be under the couch or something.

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    How many pairs of sunglasses do you think you've owned in your lifetime?
  • Lifetime? Dozens. Hell, I get so many free ones as swag at places it's ridiculous.

    I only really wear my one pair though. It's got prescription lenses, so I did kind of splurge on that pair for something nice and would go with everything.

    I really like unique or kinda of wild styles though, things that make a statement. So I'd like to be able to wear, afford, and store more. Even as a man, I think accessories round out an outfit and make it look complete. Like a nice watch, the appropriate shoes, jacket, and hat.

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    Trump Campaign Powerless Against Group of Teenage Girls Saying "Ew"
  • Pretty sure that's a real stock photo.

    Left hand is being held down from the right and she's holding the phone with just the thumb against the back of her left hand.

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    Candid Picture
  • When a student goes to school, the school becomes in loco parentis and the student doesn't have protection from school officials. Children, on campus, general do not have protection for free speech, protection from unreasonable searches or seizures, or really any of their rights.

    The school, acting as parents, can restrict their speech, search their bags, and confiscate contraband.

    The school can even waive most of the child's rights even when dealing with law enforcement until parents arrive.

  • I'm planning on getting a dog soon and would love some tips and tricks.

    My tip is that when you take your dog for a walk, before crossing any street make them sit and wait for you to tell them to cross.

    It helped when my dog got out a few times he would only walk around the block and never cross streets or run into traffic.
