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Kotaku being Kotaku
  • Yes cause 5 to 12-year-olds are the only people who play Minecraft. Nobody over the age of 12 plays Minecraft at all and there aren't millions of Minecraft players out there that are anywhere from 12 to 70 years old.

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    Google & Facebook partner admits it can listen to device microphone to serve ads - Dexerto
  • It was disabled even in accessibility mode in the last major update on my last phone (Pixel 8) I haven't tried it on the Pixel 9 but I doubt I'll have better luck.

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    The Internet Archive just lost its appeal over ebook lending
  • The valuation is based on the expectation of the company to make massive profits. And if you think investor money is not profit for the people running Open AI, you're crazy. We could only hope that they run out of money and go out of business. But that'll never happen now with the amount of faith these corporations are putting in "AI" research.

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    The Internet Archive just lost its appeal over ebook lending
  • It's in the first bloody paragraph. 😮‍💨

    OpenAI is begging the British Parliament to allow it to use copyrighted works because it's supposedly "impossible" for the company to train its artificial intelligence models — and continue growing its multi-billion-dollar business — without them.

    And if you follow the link the title of the article says it all:

    #OpenAI is set to see its valuation at $80 billion—making it the third most valuable startup in the world

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    For health reasons.
  • Being somebody who has to watch their sodium intake due to heart health concerns I would say that Morton is not at all deranged in creating this especially considering I've got a container of it sitting on my spice rack right now.

    Though it should be noted I do my best not to think about the fact that KCL is used in lethal injections. 😒 I just thank the gods I don't have any ulcers.

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    Google & Facebook partner admits it can listen to device microphone to serve ads - Dexerto
  • I don't know about Apple but Google used to make a little tone that let you know that it was listening to you. It doesn't do that anymore. Now it just shows a little green light which, if you're not looking directly at the phone you won't see.

    And it was pretty frequent when Google's voice Assistant would randomly activate and I'd hear that little tone and I would have to turn it off so it wouldn't sit there listening to my conversation. But now you don't have that option, now if you miss that little light everything you say is recorded.

    Fuck these services. I have permanently disabled both my phones 's Google Assistant and the Nest speaker I bought. Yes, it's less convenient. But the fact of the matter is that these companies aren't interested in making a service that is useful to you they just want to collect data on everything you do so they can sell it. And to be clear, I was fine with them collecting data on stuff that I actively participated in, it's the price I was willing to pay. But for them to pull this shady ass shit of removing the audible notification is just garbage.

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    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Lashes Out at 'Predatory' Jill Stein
  • As of 2023, no nominee of the Green Party has been elected to office in the federal government.

    Yeah, they're real committed. 23 years and they haven't even gotten a single congressman elected.

    142 local elected officials out of literally tens of thousands across the country. But Jill Stein manages to pop up every 4 years to run for president. She becomes especially loud in the years when the elections look relatively close. And, like her predecessor Ralph Nader, she's got environmental ideas (most of which have been adopted by the Democratic party) but the only other thoughts on policy are criticism of the Democrats with no actual agendas or ideas for fixing things as president. She says "stop selling arms to Israel!". Ok, sure. How does the democratic presidential candidate say they are gonna do that without pissing of AIPAC and having them throw every dime at their disposal to get Trump elected instead? Hell, she doesn't even engage with Republicans. Just democrats for some reason. I wonder why that is... Oh, yeah. Cause she's there to spoil the election. That is her only purpose. Saying anything else is disingenuous.

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  • I expect she'll probably have to use that phrase again in the upcoming debate with Trump. What with the way he tends to ramble like a doddering old man who gets angry when people don't listen to the weird shit that comes out of his mouth.

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    Moderation conflict involving c/vegan
  • Here's an idea, why don't you save your argument for one of the myriad posts that have popped up discussing this very subject of whether or not cats can eat vegan or not and whether or not that is abuse.

    But here and now within this post is a discussion over whether or not mods acted recklessly and whether or not there is a need for better guidelines on what is and isn't allowed. Which were discussed in the post that you apparently didn't read.

    At no point did the author of this post open up the floor to discuss whether or not veganism is good, bad, or ugly for cats.

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    Moderation conflict involving c/vegan
  • The comments in here are unbelievable. This post was about the systemic moderation issues that lead to the incident, the team's response to it, and how to deal with such a problems in the future.

    Half the comments: CATS CAN'T EAT VEGAN

    The other half: CATS CAN TOO EAT VEGAN

    There are people here who need to go back to fucking reddit.
