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"Look for the helpers"
  • You'd be surprised, what I can tell from the work is.. there are some incoherent boot tops from the kid on the left, that weird attempt at making a hand guard on the sword with some ms paint edit, that particular kids other arm abruptly stopping and the lower step fading into the wall. There's other minor things with the knights armor being inconsistent but it does look very clean at first glance. Also when I attempted to try to find a source for the work I found the particular pic with the caption being posted by bots, so that's another tell.

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    "Look for the helpers"
  • This particular style has been heavily trained by ai so if it were it 100% not surprise me. Both google and Yandex show no direct results for the work, so I'm leaning that it is prompt gen.

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    this one goes out to the arts & humanities
  • I hate this sentiment. It's not a tool like a brush is to a canvas. It's a machine that runs off the fuel of our creative achievements. The sheer amount of pro AI shit I read from this place just makes me that closer to putting a bullet in my fucking skull

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    The Billionaire-Fueled Lobbying Group Behind the State Bills to Ban Basic Income Experiments in the U.S.
  • Downvote me if you want but using ai images in an article bashing the rich is extremely hypocritical. AI is a content theft machine that takes from artist so websites like this can generate images without paying actual artist.

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    Just received more legal papers for the crime of a 30 minute protest march. I'm now up to 153 pages for this one protest.
  • Nice of them to provide for those in need of tinder for their fireplace.

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  • Possums are much better for the environment than outdoor cats.

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    Columbine vibes rule
  • Not to take away from this but that pic was him wearing a cosplay from grandmas boy? I believe?

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Don't care much for specifics, things can grow organically, I would like to see YouTube and videos embed though. Please for the love of all that is good

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    Car brain offended by person running on road because of shitty sidewalks
  • Most don't realize serious runners can damage their legs by running on sidewalks vs asphalt

    Something about the impact I'm not sure the specifics

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    Watching The Sun Come Up by DVK

    Is his work ai? He post ads for this stuff on his account, doesn't disclose any details and post various styles, and has quite a lot posted in the span of a few months

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    Voice actors denounce exploitative AI at Comic-Con
  • AI has gotten way out of control, in my field of art, some art styles have become synonymous with ai art and people have become accusatory. I can't imagine being as skilled as some of these artist and seeing your work basically mocked. Sure, you can say the bots will never replace human creativity but they will most certainly try and while they are at it will almost certainly hurt us financially.

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  • I ship it.

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    [WINNER: OPTION B] Choose Voyager's icon!
  • B 100% !!! It's so cute

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    People from the "hotter" regions, how do you deal with the heat?
  • Oh well, that sucks. Guess a portable unit would work in this case. Could just jimmy the pipe and make a diy block for the window itself. It's just a simple tube that sticks out the window. Good to know a bit about them before getting one.

    Here's a great video on the topic

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    People from the "hotter" regions, how do you deal with the heat?
  • If you're without an ac in Europe I highly suggest getting a simple window unit for your room. They are easy to install. Be sure to seal your door so the air doesn't escape. Portable ac units are known to be very inefficient, be wary of those. Cold showers help in extreme circumstances. Block all sources of light. Blackout curtain or just some covers over the windows. Keep humidity below 60% if you can, dehumidifiers will help but larger ones will rack up your electric bill quick.

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    Tip: Do cardio or walking before you need to do stuff that requires sitting. It helps you focus.
  • Proper circulation is quite important, along with hydration and electrolyte balance.

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  • As grim as this may be, you need to also understand cats absolutely decimate local bird populations. Actually around 2.4bl birds yearly just in the US alone.

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    Reddit slowly became filled with hate
  • Don't know how one could possibly use the site without filters from apps like that or RES. it's so chaotic.

  • I have been on reddit for just about 12 years now. Something I've noticed over time is just how hateful the place has become. A complete outrage machine. Every single sub became filled with it. I've filtered so many subreddits over the last few years, it's insane. I don't know enough about this place to be sure, but I do hope it doesn't become the same type of echo chamber of anger.


    This might me a small nitpick to some but I truly think smooth in-line scaling and Youtube embedding are EXTREMELY important to the platform. Above is just that in RES. I am not sure about this on mobile, but desktop is also important!
