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Liberals hatred of Stalin is unreal
  • Yes, but those doctors were FORCED to care for the patients and were ARTIFICIALLY COERCED instead of being naturally motivated by the free market to help people. Nevermind that modern doctors and especially nurses are constantly overworked and understaffed and the only thing that decides whether or not they can help somebody are the whims of private insurance companies.

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    Declassified CIA documents reveal that Soviet diet was better than American diet
  • What year is this from? Also yeah, as long as you are getting ypur daily caloric intake pretty much everything beats the US diet.

    EDIT: The source saya the document waa first written in 1983.

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    [image] Both cars fit the same amount of people
  • I am not even european but all of my big appliances (refrigerator, stove, washing machine) were delivered to my home by the store I bought them from, either free of charge or super cheap, I can't remember. I've also bought bricks amd had them delivered to my doorstep.

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    Defending the PCP
  • You said it better than I ever could. A popular people's movement needs to be actually popular with the people. The Shining Path was absolutely atrocious. Completely unjustified violence and retaliations in order to just get in power.

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    r/place 2023 in a nutshell
  • Time and time again, redditors have proved they have no self-control and their actions are as deep as a puddle. They think that by making a silly banner on reddit they are actually making a difference instead of quitting reddit outright. Addiction is a powerful thing, even to social media.
