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Client requests vs the user experience [Piterskii Punk]
  • When they're really little, high contrast is more clear and theoretically more interesting. There's a lot of black and white toys aimed at newborns for that reason.

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    you gotta go down and join that union
  • It saving billions isn't argument against it being good for employees/most people. If say the government introduced a bill that required every company to send 5% of their money to Russia, fighting the hell out of that bill would save them billions and would be in line with what most Americans want. There are more realistic ones like pretty much every iteration of the kids online safety act.

    It might be a good rule of thumb, but it definitely isn't the only argument/proof needed.

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    Depressive symptoms in US 8th, 10th, and 12th graders
  • Did things suddenly become worse for those types of things around 2014? If that was the cause, I feel like you'd see a bump up in 2008 with the great recession.

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    Job application hell
  • In the US, it certainly isn't. It's viewed as a red flag for a US company to ask for a photo unless the job is something where appearance is an important quality like actor or model. I think the US grapples with this kind of discrimination more than many of the countries where it's the norm.

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    Job application hell
  • Which is really just a system you can use to discriminate with plausible deniability: We didn't not hire people because of X protected characteristic; the "scientific" computer program never selected them as a quality worker.

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    Why don’t women use artificial intelligence?
  • No, not explicitly gate keeping access. But as a woman, you have experience that tells you, if you take any shortcut or easy way out, even if all the guys do it, you will be "confirmed" as less competent. It tends to be that women start from a perceived position of "not competent" whereas men start from a preceived position of "competent." A guy has to have some obvious mess ups to fall from that assessment whereas women have to do a lot to rebut the assumption that they're incompetent. So, as a woman, you are constantly trying to prove yourself, and you have to avoid anything that might undercut that. Using AI could easily be one of those things that undercut it.

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    Fathers and their dogs
  • My dog hates being carried and fights it. She's only 50 lbs, but I would not want to try to carry her up a flight of stairs.

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    Loving USA Culture
  • That's why self-made is in quotes. But many female billionaires are primarily heiresses little known or primarily known as a male billionaire's daughter/wife/ex-wife. Swift turning millions into billions is about as self-made as any other billionaire.

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    Loving USA Culture
  • She's a "self-made" female billionaire. Her money isn't from something like Walmart or Amazon, where it's obvious how she's exploiting people. It's clear she's very talented. And she seems smart and like she won't get pushed around by scummy music execs (Taylor's version).

    Her music speaks to people and makes them feel like they're understood and like they understand her. When she got a lot of hate (because most things teenage girls enjoy get a lot of hate), plenty of people felt personally attacked, and that made them more defensive and appreciative of her. She poked fun at the stereotypes making her more endearing.

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    Lucky Astronauts Still Stranded in Space During Election Year
  • In order to vote while on board, astronauts must fill out the Federal Post Card Application prior to departure, the same application used by military members stationed overseas.

    I'm very curious if they thought to fill this out considering they should have been home for so long before the election.

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    Texas judge decides Texas is a perfectly good venue for X to sue Media Matters
  • The problem is proving that the inane judicial decision was made to boost the value of their stock rather than some other reason. That's why it's generally "even the appearance of impropriety" to side step trying to definitively determine the why.

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  • They make little pills you take before you eat all that lactose that help you digest it without being miserable. So you can do something of you know you're lactose intolerant short of giving it up.
