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Eating less beef is a climate solution. Here's why that's hard for some American men
  • You can change what you do without input or veto from anyone else.

    That is not true for governments.

    You can do both. You can go vegan for the environment (if abuse of animals isn’t enough for you) AND vote for a/lobby the government for larger sweeping action.

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    One big happy family.
  • What was some of the difficulty you ran into?

    I haven’t had to do anything weird but I don’t need anything outside of flatpaks usually.

    For most other things a container with more traditional package management works well.

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    Colorado teen shot in the face by town councilman after going to home to ask permission to take homecoming photos
  • That’s not entirely true.

    When I took my concealed carry class in Tx there was a section on this.

    It depends heavily on the relationship between you and the owner of the property. The example given in the class was a good neighbor relationship and suggested talking about this before something happened.

    I would expect that if the shooter and the owner are in contact during the event to weigh heavily on it.

    The gist is, it depends state-to-state but I would expect that their relationship would make an otherwise LEGAL use of a firearm OK. (I’m really not sure if this is a legal use…)

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    The Dangerous Illusion of a Presidential Third Party in 2024
  • So you get… support for getting rid of FPTP. But no actual changes because you’re lucky to get 5% of the vote.

    I think in reality you get to feel like you’ve washed your hands of it and “did what you could” and then after the election you can say, “hey, I didn’t vote for them” and feel good inside.

    In other words, fuck all.

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    The Dangerous Illusion of a Presidential Third Party in 2024
  • Yes

    Thank you. That's more than I get from most "just vote third party" commenters. But then you say,

    Instead of people choosing what they think is best for us

    The FPTP voting system results in 2 major parties where 3rd parties have no chance of winning. It's not people who've decided to do what they can to perpetuate the 2 party system we have - it's the system itself which needs to change. The people mostly vote logically (with the exception of 3rd party voters) given the current rules of the system.

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    Trump advisor LOSES HIS MIND when confronted by foreign journalist
  • The reporter wasn’t even that sharp or clever either

    I disagree. Too many people get lead off the path by the MAGA bullshit fire hose. Dude just kept forcing the dipshit back to his question.. over and over.

    It makes clear to viewers what Miller is doing and why he turned into a man baby as the video goes on.

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    A longtime GOP operative helped the Green Party’s Jill Stein get on the N.H. ballot. Democrats smell mischief.
  • but have you ever tried to explain RCV to anyone over the age of 50?

    Just call it instant runoff then. It's the same thing (as I understand it) and has been in the American lexicon for some time now.

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    The Dangerous Illusion of a Presidential Third Party in 2024
  • This is a pivot and Lemmy will eat it up because "USA BAD" but is not a response to the topic in the thread which is that third party votes are meaningless.

    Let's see if I can get a direct answer: Do you know that the next president of the US will be the Dem or Rep nominee?

  • At home I have a Das Keyboard with Cherry MX browns and they feel great. I think this is the quickest I've been able to type on any keyboard.

    I type a lot for my new job and no one cares if I bring in my own keyboard but for my coworkers sake, I don't think I want to bring in browns. I'm a heavy typer and frankly I'm loud on browns.

    I searched for quieter keys and found Cherry MX Red Silents (Durgod keyboard) but after typing on it a few days at work, I'm making way more mistakes, I'm typing slower, and my hands are more fatigued. That's when I learned about linear vs tactile... I think tactile is what I need.

    So with that, I'm looking for:


    • Tactile
    • Light switches (should not take much force to activate? idk. Browns are good for me, for reference)
    • Quiet
    • 100% layout


    • Switches I can put the Draula keycaps on that my friend bought me. I just know they fit fine on Cherry MX Browns and Red Silent.
    • USB-C port. I have a coiled cable I want to use already.

    Nice to have:

    • Hot swappable PCB

    Open to other info I'm not thinking about.

    Edit: After looking around some more this evening, I'm leaning toward grabbing a Keychron K10 Pro, grabbing some Zilents V2's and sticking those in there, then popping on the caps I have. This would be the most building I've done for a keyboard. See any issues with that?


    Based on the recommendations here and some other threads I read, I went with a Keychron Q6 Max and the Zilent V2's.

    I confirmed that my poor speed and accuracy on the (previous) new board I had gotten was definitely due to my not being used to linears. After a day of using the new Keychron with Zilents I did a typing test and got a new PB.

    Thanks for all the suggestions! Now I'm in trouble because I want to replace my home keyboard with the same...


    I recently switched from Windows 10 to ZorrinOS (after a quick detour to NixOS... OOF) and in the course of setting things up how I like, I ran across some interesting stuff relating to flatpaks and shortcuts. I wanted to get this written to provide a resource for other people who might be switching.

    This is a guide to making a shortcut to launch a particular Firefox profile, on a Ubuntu based distro, while running Firefox as a flatpak. This is just how I did it, put the files where you want.

    1. Make a directory to hold the launch script and a shortcut icon. My script:

    #!/bin/sh flatpak run org.mozilla.firefox -p youtube

    Obviously, make it executable.

    Because Firefox is running as a flatpak we can't just launch it using firefox. They're actually stored in /var/lib/flatpak/app and can be launched like this.

    1. Create a text file in the Desktop directory with a .desktop extension like this:

    [Desktop Entry] Name=YouTube Comment= Launches Firefox Youtube profile Exec=/home/user/Documents/firefox-youtube/ Icon=/home/user/Documents/firefox-youtube/youtube-app-icon.png Terminal=false Type=Application

    1. Once saved, make it executable. Right click > "Allow Launching". Done.

    Just for fun, this is the image I like for it.


    [USA] Index Funds Have Officially Won

    > The inevitable at last arrived. Last month, for the first time, passively managed funds controlled more assets than did their actively managed competitors.

    I honestly thought this happened a while ago...


    I seem to remember this was a Reno 911! episode but my YouTube searching hasn't been able to find the episode/clip.

    I think they were chasing a naked man but none of the cops wanted to touch him for obvious reasons. They made a half-hearted attempt to cuff/capture him but as soon as he crossed out of their jurisdiction (county line or something) they throw their hands up because that's not their job anymore.
