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Jimmy Kimmel has a suggestion.
  • Can you imagine going out in public wearing a diaper with a big fake bandage on your ear yelling about people eating dogs

    I used to think furries were weird, they ain't got shit on these people

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    The true big boss, king of my heart
  • I love this, my quick stop guy smiles whenever I walk in, but he doesn't speak much English. I'd love to get him pistachios

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    Higher difficulties in every single RPG.
  • I did this in persona 5 on the last boss, even if you know all the weaknesses it was still RNG and after 3 tries I said fuck it I have other shit to do

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    Kamala Harris's Statement On Trump's Twitter Interview
  • I love how people are still playing the fiscal conservative card as an excuse to support this shit, what was the last thing Republicans did for the middle class financially?

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    imagine if the crowsstrike bug was malicious...
  • Management: Well we lost 8 billion dollars but we still don't have any extra money for backups or remote reimaging or vdi, but we will buy you 700 plane tickets to go to each computer and boot it into safe mode, also you're fired

  • {"error":{"code":"FileAccessDenied","message":"Access to this file was denied for your application.","status":403,"rtfm":""},"docs":""}
