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Have you ever switched to light mode after being on dark mode for years?
  • Turns out reading speed and retention is better with dark text on a light background. I always use automatic switching when available… Light during the day and dark at night.

    Unless it’s my code editor, if someone switches my code editor to light mode I’ll murder them.

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    Made a thread about what other social media Lemmings use, and I was shocked by the amount of Meta platforms in the replies.
  • Haven’t used Facebook in probably a decade, but as a photographer Instagram is still the most active platform I’ve tried. Vero is weird. PixelFed is pretty empty, mostly people’s snapshots. Others either cost money or aren’t really good on mobile.

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    Surveillance Watch – an interactive map revealing the intricate connections between surveillance companies, their funding sources and affiliations
  • DESCRIPTION Lavender is an AI system that produces lists of Palestinians to be targeted for assassination by the Israeli military "with little human oversight and a permissive policy for casualties", according to +972 Magazine.

    Big yikes.

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    [Polygon site redesign] Welcome to the next era of Polygon! We made it for you.
  • What?! They have very unique squiggles and bright colors! No one else is doing that.

    I really don’t get the logic of redesigns like this or The Verge. Was the design team just told, “traffic is down make it look new so we can post a blog about it”?

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    Why Are So Many Americans Choosing to Not Have Children? It’s probably not selfishness, experts say. Even young adults who want children see an increasing number of obstacles.
  • I usually hear it from one of two camps (or both at the same time).

    1. The world (read capitalist economy) can’t continue to grow without ever-growing population.
    2. The (Christian) Bible says that sex is for making babies. Getting married implies having sex. So, if you’re getting married you’d better be making babies.
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    Mozilla Welcomes Anonym: Privacy Preserving Digital Advertising
  • And you can just… Turn them off. No questions asked. DuckDuckGo is a great example of how an advertising company can be both financially viable and respecting of user-choice.

    Google could let users choose to opt out of seeing any ads across their network for free today and still be one of the most profitable companies in existence. A huge percentage of users wouldn’t know or care to turn ads off, another percentage actually wants them, and for advanced users they could offer more advanced, useful features for money.

    But try pitching that to stakeholders and upper-management lol

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    We shouldn't have to work 40 hours a week to afford a basic life. We do because our currency is constantly losing value. This is by design.
  • Wouldn’t those numbers affect poor investors, too? Sure, smaller sums of money, but even poor people invest.

    Also, the idea of “investor class” made me throw up a little. As though we should have people with so much money that they do not need to work to become even more rich. Maybe the investor class should have to work a little? Pull themselves up by their bootstraps in these trying times?

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    Microsoft blocks Windows 11 workaround that enabled local accounts
  • I’m assuming one would still be able to switch to a local account after installation, but you really shouldn’t need to. What a shit show.

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    Trump says he's "okay" with jail or house arrest
  • Fear of the defendant should not influence sentencing. That said, pretty minimal chance of jail time for this. Two-tier system and all that.

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    It's been a year since I joined the Fediverse
  • This was the plus side for me, too. I couldn’t care less who sees what I post on social media, but (so far) at least my information here isn’t harvested to target ads to me. In fact, I had gotten so used to seeing ads on Reddit and Twitter that I was numb to it. After a year+ here, when I go back to check on those, it’s all I notice and it’s terrible.

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    How easy is it to switch back to windows?
  • I would agree way this, with one caveat: Does OP plan to game on Linux?

    Gaming on Linux has come very far, but it’s not perfect and not something you can really get a feel for in a USB live environment. At that point rather to dual boot and try sticking with Linux for a while.

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    Amazon execs may be personally liable for tricking users into Prime sign-ups
  • On the other hand, I didn’t sign up for Prime but have had it for 2 months now. Have yet to be charged and I can’t access the page to cancel it.

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    Should I be switching to Wayland for gaming?
  • Awesome, this was super helpful! I was using multiple monitors, so that may have been my issue, but actually just decided to go back to one the week. I haven’t had much gaming time this week, so I’ll see if the tearing is resolved.

    Super excited for COSMIC!! I probably won’t upgrade right away, but the progress has looked awesome.

  • I’m not super familiar with the differences between x11 and Wayland, but I’ve been experiencing some screen tearing in games with x11 that I don’t remember experiencing in the past. I’ve heard Wayland is more performant, but does that mean anything when gaming?

    I am using an AMD gpu with just out-of-the-box settings. No additional drivers or tinkering.


    I have been trying to take my digital privacy more seriously as of late, but I find myself falling into a cycle of all-or-nothing. I will do a little bit to improve my privacy and then will suddenly feel like I need to go full-on down the rabbit hole. This leads to burnout, and then I'll convince myself that it's all futile and I should just use what's most convenient.

    How do you all find a balance that works for you? Or do you just change things constantly?
