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How do people in this day in age become nazis/neonazies sexist or even incels when there is so much knowledge against it? Do they get anything out of being that way?
  • Celibacy is a lifestyle choice. Wanting sex and not having it, is not what I would call "involuntarily adopting a lifestyle choice". Incel is rather, like you said, the feeling of being "unfuckable". The problem, as I see it, is that the majority of men in this position are voluntarily "unfuckable". They are actively being unlikeable by doing things like treating women like they they should be required to like them, which in turn, makes them "unfuckable".

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    The DNC is the only reason you're not currently enjoying a second-term Sanders and a sane Supreme Court.
  • If people think it was the DNC all I'll say is "could be". The main stream media very much did Bernie dirty. If they reported on Bernie's campaign at all, it was to essentially mention that he was not a real candidate. They never reported on the massive rally turnouts he was having. If people consuming MSM saw how much energy was in the Bernie campaign I would bet that would have gotten more people interested in his message and to the primary to vote for him.

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    This is high key her fault...
  • Nah, I blame the media. If any mainstream media actually bothered to report seriously on Bernie and especially the turnouts he was pulling at his rallies, we probably would have had more than enough people energized to vote in the primary and the general. Instead, the MSM acted like Bernie wasn't a real candidate. I stopped supporting NPR after how dirty they did him.

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  • That's not how that works. If there isn't a binary (because there isn't just 2 options) then this would be a non-binary system and so everyone would be non-binary.

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    Biden Will Try Again to Wipe Out Student Loan Debt for Millions of Borrowers
  • While it is certainly not the only reason, government intervention via zoning laws is definitely a factor in the house crisis. If mixed use zoning was more universally a thing, then that would be the government not intervening in the housing market.

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    Solid advice
  • Mac is my favorite software development OS. Linux has too many issues with related software like Slack and doesn't have good Office software. Windows on the other hand is fucking dog shit for development.

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    Now Apple users can truly flex
  • They only accuse Apple of being backwards in this case because for anyone else to use it they have to pay a licensing fee to Apple. The new standard (USB-C) is free to add to your device.
