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An Out-of-Control Netanyahu has Now Openly Threatened UN Peacekeepers in Lebanon
  • lol oh yeah, Biden’s red line is like 50 miles back in the rear view by now. Easy to forget when he keeps rushing them billions and billions of dollars, while US infrastructure falls apart at home due to climate disaster. Neat!

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    Far left intellectualism
  • Blame the voters for consistently snatching defeat from the jaws of victory is a core tenet of Dem strategy, and of liberalism for that matter.

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    Far left intellectualism
  • You're acting exactly like a fucking trump supporter.

    Blue MAGA is real, and now that they’ve finally accepted Biden won’t be the candidate, they produce this kind of “support” for Kamala. It’s a shitlib’s shitpost, make no mistake.

    Anyway, I think Kamala’s lackluster policy positions can be quite easily explained by the age old Pelosi adage - “lean to the green.” Kamala is a corporate establishment dem through and through - if you’re expecting anything else, prepare to be disappointed.

    She’s obviously still a better choice than Trump, but as you point out, she needs to be pressured hard from the left at this juncture in order to still have a chance to win the election. If the donors drag her too far to the right, why would people vote for her, right wing lite, over Trump?

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    'Trump did this’: Supreme Court blocks Biden emergency abortion mandate in Texas
  • Would be interesting to see that play out fully. Here’s hoping we get the chance to do so in the next few years. Its so heartbreaking that so many women are suffering/dying because of these regressive policy positions.

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    Ron DeSantis is refusing to take Harris' call on Hurricane Helene
  • TN governor did this too. Refused Biden’s efforts to stage relief crews prior to the storm, then the night the storm hits he calls the White House to ask for aid. These petulant children shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near government leadership positions

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    'Trump did this’: Supreme Court blocks Biden emergency abortion mandate in Texas
  • Look, republicans suck ass, it’s true. But if Dems had codified Roe into law either time they had the supermajority (two chances in the last 20 years), then the corrupt SC wouldn’t have been able to do jack shit. If dems had any integrity, they would shoulder a significant amount of the blame for this issue, because they had their chance and deemed it “not a priority.”

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    Jon Stewart: Trump Is The Opposite of Who His Supporters Claim He Is | The Daily Show
  • Maybe…to tell you the truth, I’m not sure if the Fairness Doctrine fits this world anymore. You’re right though, while the president can light the fire, it will ultimately be up to Congress to actually do something about it.

    Right now corporate news agencies are just mouthpieces for our corporate overlords who buy all of the politicians in order to further enrich themselves at our expense. It’s literally robbing us on a national scale. The less facts people understand, the easier it is for them to pull the wool over our eyes and gaslight us into thinking this is a normal, acceptable situation. Clearly this is not sustainable.

    We do need some kind of regulations for news to actually be considered news, and to serve as a mechanism to make them deliver factual, useful information to viewers. Not entirely sure what that would look like tbh.

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    Israeli military says Iran has fired missiles at Israel
  • Fuck Israel for refusing to stop slaughtering Palestinian civilians and forcing this escalation.

    And especially fuck the US for claiming for a year now to be working tirelessly towards a ceasefire, yet sending 10s of billions of money and bombs to Israel as a reward for the continued slaughter.

    Disgusting land grabbers.

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    Jon Stewart: Trump Is The Opposite of Who His Supporters Claim He Is | The Daily Show
  • Reagan’s FCC overturning the Fairness Doctrine in 1987 is to thank for this. He and Nixon oversaw an incredible amount of societal and governmental sabotage. Quite the legacy.

    It’s so much worse now, with these corpo propaganda outlets pretending that both parties are legitimate political parties representing people and not just fundraising/grifting organizations.

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    Trump falsely accuses Biden of something he himself did: withholding storm aid to victims
  • I believe he also chucked rolls of paper towels at them. Many people, smart people, are saying they were quite good at absorbing all that hurricane flood water.

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    Harris plans to troll Trump over second debate during Alabama football game
  • Point taken, but there is a whole lot of “it depends” to consider here. How ceremonial would you call Dick Cheney’s tenure as VP?

    To be fair, W and Biden are very different presidents. Still, Cheney proved a determined VP can achieve much of their agenda if they so desired.

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    AI bots now beat 100% of those traffic-image CAPTCHAs
  • Afaik this is precisely what the captcha data was intended for - training AI models. Originally leveraged machine learning. LLMs are a slightly different paradigm but same purpose and results here.
