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Texas gas wants to raise rates again
  • @protist @reddig33
    I mean to a degree *maybe* I could get behind realigning prices. But commercial and industrial buyers are making a profit using that gas and residential buyers aren't... And residential buyers are more likely to need the gas for everyday life and I feel like they *should* be shouldering less of the share of the costs.

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    Katz's is reopening in its original location on 6th St
  • @protist @kalpol
    OMG I heard that in his voice! 🤣❤️

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  • @protist
    That makes sense.

    I tried to get an appointment at another and was told they couldn't do the battery work.

    Autonation does a good job it just takes them longer than it would if there were more mechanics available.

  • @austin Will this work posting from my Mastodon account? Let's see!

    My latest adventure in car repair went more smoothly than expected so I'm ok right now, but Autonation Chevrolet seems to be the only dealership near me that services battery/charging related issues in Bolts. The last time I had a problem they had my car for weeks. Is there a good local shop for EVs anywhere in ATX? Austin EV Only is near me and I contacted them but they seem to focus on hybrids. Or at least not Bolts.

    Austin Water proposing rate increase
  • @scytale
    After a few years the Bermuda grass takes over and doesn't need the water!

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    Growing corn?
  • @reddig33
    Tomatoes (especially cherry tomatoes like Juliet or Sungold), peppers, okra and black eyed peas. I learned a few summers ago why those are involved in so much Southern cooking.

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    Travis County DA faces removal attempt under Texas law targeting 'rogue' prosecutors - Austin Monitor
  • @dylanmorgan
    They're not for local government. They're for State run government. They're not for small government. They're for small federal government so they can control more at the state level.
    @logicbomb @austin

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    Number of Republicans Voting in Travis County's Democratic Primary Up Significantly
  • @reddig33
    I'm also wondering if some of them are Democrats coming back to the party because there aren't sane Republicans to try to get into the main election.

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    Committee hears about need for more rental assistance money - Austin Monitor
  • @helenslunch
    Show me proof it doesn't matter and I'll believe it. There has been housing subsidizing for a long time. I had a subsidized apartment back in the 90s for a while. And yet prices didn't really spike until the last couple of years. I'll grant you it's possible subsidies cause landlords to raise rents a few dollars. But not to the degree we've seen lately.

    What's happening lately is tenants are expected to bid for apartments. That's what's allowing the rents to skyrocket.

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    Committee hears about need for more rental assistance money - Austin Monitor
  • @helenslunch
    All the less than 7500 people getting rent assistance in a market with how many apartments? That's a miniscule part of the market.

    Rents increase because more people are moving here (it's gone from about 100k to nearly a million in the 30 years I've been here without much new building until the last few years) and Austin already had a tight apartment market in the 90s.

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    Committee hears about need for more rental assistance money - Austin Monitor
  • @helenslunch
    There are way more people with money offering (or being asked for) over the advertised rent to get an apartment than there are people getting help with rent. It's fighting over apartments that's driving prices up. Not aid.

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    Austin Energy: Rate increasing 5% March 1
  • @reddig33
    Right now it's going to pay back the producers because ERCOT offered them way more than the limit during the '21 storm. Even though it did nothing to increase the amount available since if they weren't producing it was because they couldn't.

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    Recently annexed areas in Austin could vote to leave city this spring
  • @800XL
    Most places that disannex do it for property tax reasons. They figure they have little enough needs that they could pay less than the city on average. Sometimes they're right and sometimes not.

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    Austin Energy customers can expect to see another increase to their December bills
  • @cheeseandrice
    I don't know what kind of math is going on there. We pay about $150 or so. 5% would be more than $2.

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    Weekly Ask Austin Thread
  • @SuiXi3D
    If you're further north, Rogues Gallery is in Round Rock on I 35.
    @rikudou @Austin_Admin

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    UT wants to cover I-35 from Dean Keeton to 15th Street NB
  • @KidDogDad
    That's like Braker or Parmer.

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    Voluntary Energy Reduction
  • @netburnr
    I don't think so. That graph is weird but it makes sense as the weather cools down a little and hopefully whatever maintenance or what have you ends that we'll have more leeway again.

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    Voluntary Energy Reduction
  • @malloc
    You can go to the website and watch the lines separate as the day goes on. It looks like it's helping.

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    Cap Metro announced trains will have to run slower because it's so hot the tracks are warping
  • @Blamemeta
    We usually see 100+ temps off and on through the summer. Not every day.
    @kalpol @austin
