Is there a tool to real-time encrypt folders? 14
CryFS does what you want, it's the default used by the KDE Vaults feature.
there's also a comparison page on the site, comparing it to other solutions.
What dotfiles manager do you use? 2
Home-manager on NixOs. It handles more than just dotfiles, as it also manages installed programs.
Diff like a boss! (custom Bash commands) 1
Looks very nice, thanks!
In 1995, the power of processors was exponential. Were governments afraid that hackers would use this power against their interests and invented the GPU to curb this growth? 7
It's called Betteridge's Law Of Headlines.
Ubuntu or pop! os 3
There's also a KDE version of Nobara. I use it myself and it's been great so far.
Glowing brighter than the sun 9
Simulating a German accent I guess.
FPS titles with great environmental world-building? e.g. Alien: Isolation, Metro, DOOM '16, even Portal 2 counts -- games that feel like real, lived-in places and not just a series of arenas. 16
Prey (2017) has a great level design. It's one giant interconnected space station that can also be explored from the outside. Different areas all feel very organic and actually liveable.