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Lemmy World outages
  • No, spending your free time shitting on other people’s efforts for no reason makes you a loser. Doing it anonymously from the shadows (so to speak) doubly so.

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    No pilot school for you.
  • Yes, they do.

    I kinda hate them because non-colorblind people generally say one of a few things when conversations about them come up: "OMG do you really not see any numbers on there? It's so OBVIOUS", "Wow... so what color is this [insert random obvious thing]?", or "So you're colorblind? How do you deal with traffic lights? LOL".

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    No pilot school for you.
  • Can I just tell you how much I hate those Ishihara tests? I don't see shit in that OP one (which was exactly what I expected).

    Once upon a time, Panasonic did a print ad for one of their new color printers that was a dot test that read "Panasonic", with nothing else on the page. Not super-effective advertising - although I suppose color-blind folks weren't necessarily the target demographic...

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    Who is the most famous person you've ever met?
  • Dizzy Gillespie. Way back in high school our school jazz band opened for Dizzy at a festival/contest. I was heading to the rehearsal room and saw our director chatting with him, and the director waved me over and introduced me. He said “Hey man, it’s cool to meet you” and shook my hand.

    I died.

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    Be honest, do you still use reddit?
  • Stopped using on June 30, deleted content. Nuked account on July 9 (10th cake day).

    Need a replacement for r/xwingtmg and come October, hopefully c/anes will be as game day active as r/canes, but fuck Spez.
