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It’s just water in a can. How did Liquid Death become a billion-dollar brand?
  • It's embarrassing how stupid you have to be to pay this for some water. Sure if you're in a pinch and there's no other option. But regularly? Turnip brains

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    E-bike riders aren’t wearing helmets — and head trauma cases are through the roof
  • Yes, they are rather dense. Amuses me to think of them one day having a serious injury that could have been reduced by wearing a helmet and then arguing with the doctor that if the infrastructure was better they wouldn't have fallen off the bike in the first place

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    We must start urgently talking about the dangers of a second Trump presidency | Margaret Sullivan
  • There's just too many stupid people in america. that countries main chance is all the old retards dying off so younger people who have some semblance of a working brain will have a higher percentage of the vote

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    Your username is the prompt, what did you get? This is mine:
  • Thanks man, does look pretty cool. Which software/site/prompt did you use? I'm trying out the bing image creator app and really struggling to get it to work with the word "deanimate"
