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Someone is going around my neighbourhood and sticking anti semitic messages to street lights.
  • The best humor is the jokes with a little truth mixed in.

    Whenever anyone with an audience says the things said in your punchline one group of jews will call the adl and cause the offender to be socially outcast. Meanwhile a Jewish comedian will go out and joke about it saying "well, everyone knows it's actually sorta true tho... Lolol"

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    How is it even possible/practical to obey traffic laws?
  • You should protest the ticket in court. Going along with traffic is a valid defense. Get documentation of the behavior mentioned in your post. Doing what you did is more dangerous than going 3 over. The local bureaucracy has a problem there and you can use this issue to shine light on it.

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    Writers Guild East Leader Says This 100-Day Strike Is Different: Studios More “Obstinate” Now
  • I saw somewhere someone explaining that the massive cash flow from the "old" way of paying for content, namely high cable TV costs people used to have to pay for their 3 channels they actually watched - in addition to all the commercials the pay-tv people also had to watch, was a steady and reliable stream of cash that made its way to the content producers.

    But since the big bundle pay-tv model is dead there is a huge drop in cash flow to content producers and this is making a massive change in normal operations inevitable.

    That may be what's happening now.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • The US government has near zero credibility. I dgaf what they say wrt aliens.

    It may just be a distraction but could be a psyop by the cia for some convoluted reason.

    They do seem to be earnestly playing the alien card right now and aren't letting it up.

    That tells me that there will be escalation on this with some end goal in mind. And it will likely be another pain in the ass like their last one.

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    The new Sony Walkman costs more than you think, here's why
  • A very informative video on Linus tech tips where they ran a cable tester on lots of different cables. Super interesting.

    I always tell people to get the full solid copper core cat6, no stranded, no copper clad.

    At least for the important projects.

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    The new Sony Walkman costs more than you think, here's why
  • A digital cable that meets spec can't be made better by gold plating or other bling. But a sub spec cable or a cable with some aspect degraded by damage or wear or contamination will introduce errors that will force the system to use whatever error correction is built in(such as with tcpip) that will hinder data speed. So, you can have a digital cable that works slower than spec but still "works". Especially when you are running any sort of significant distance or there is noise such as fromn ac power.

    My point is that even with digital connections a better cable can make a difference. Just on the low end not the high end.

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    affordable housing rules
  • I don't know why beach front property isn't super cheap because sea levels are gonna rise like 10' any day now.

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    What are the most mindblowing things in mathematics?
  • And then they tell you that the fundamental equations for thermal, fluid, electrical and mechanical are all basically the same when you are looking at the whole Laplace thing. It's all the same....

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    Capitalism indoctrination in progress.
  • If a company is paying competitive wages then when an employee quits it isn't because of pay.

    If a company is paying low wages it will probably be because of the pay that a person quits, because there is nothing to keep them putting up with the bs that EVERY COMPANY HAS.

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    All my hommies prefer Firefox
  • Yeah chrome is sorta bad, but I had a Firefox that was running for a few weeks or so that was using over 30 gigs of ram. No exaggeration.
