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Can you manage your house with a local, no-cloud voice assistant? Mostly, yes.
  • I'm pretty new to all this, I just got a smart light and hub, etc. With the idea of using voice commands on my iphone/ipad.

    But I was really disappointed to find out that I can't voice activate the command "living room light on", because as soon as Siri hears this, it responds "oh you havent setup a homekit device".

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    Places to watch UK tv
  • ExpressVPN is the only one I've got working with iplayer, thus far. There used to be 'tvcatchup', but that got nerfed then killed. I haven't found anything else since.

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    Childhood disrupted: is the internet damaging young people’s development?
  • The internet, as experienced by most humans today, primarily consists of ads, sponsored content, propaganda and spin. I don't really see how it's contributing to our development in a constructive manner.

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    Elon Musk's luck has finally run out
  • In this case they used the dashes for dramatic effect. It's sometimes used to mimic spoken English, in that the cadence of the sentence is changed by the information contained in the dashes. Often, it's replaced by commas in the form of a non-defining relative clause (The man, who lived in the house next to me for many years, was coming to visit). Think of it like a cue to take a pause before saying/reading the information.

    Here's a link, if you want to read a bit more:

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    Bond Villains
  • He was more like that Bond parody with Rowan Atkinson. Bumbling and fumbling while bragging and shagging.

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    The Moon
  • back before internet days, me and the boys got the fear while out smoking, seeing this in the night sky.

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    [solved] What is this new icon we see since yesterday ?
  • Try posting non-US news to !news and see what happens.

    Well that's some high grade bullshit. "The World’s Internet Frontpage".

    It'll go unnoticed, but I think it's appropriate to remind Americans that theyre co-opting terms like "news" to mean "American news".

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    How is the piracy experience on an iPad ?
  • I don't think that's the case, but I'd like to be proven wrong. You can use a free icloud account to temporarily sign apps for a week using Alterserver, but afaik you still need a paid account to sign them for a year.

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    JK Rowling prefers two years in jail over using correct pronouns
  • Said same thing to friend, earlier. Said to was a stupid idea and need functional words to build meaningful sentences. Don't agree with.

  • Hey everyone, I'm a bit out of the loop with these pedals, and I'm trying to understand the ways people are using them.

    I understand what they do, I'm just wondering why someone would use a pedal instead of just setting on an amp that has the gain or tone shaping characteristics that they're looking for.

    In particular, because the pedal then (presumably) gets plugged into the amps preamp section anyway, which is going to colour the sound again. So then, would the optimum use be to plug into a really transparent, clean amp?

    To be clear, I'm talking about pedals like the UA Ruby, Zvex box of rock, Benson Preamp. Not so much about Helix, ToneX, etc. I know the latter are more like an all-in-one recording solution, so you can DI and still get great sounds at home, but the former? I'm not so sure what they're best used for!
