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Turns out steam allows slurs in their names and suicide baiting pfps, this account has been up for over a year. Anyone else have to deal with constant harassment from people like this on there?
  • There will always be another shitty person and yes it is exhausting. My partner is non-binary, I understand some of it. But online is literally the easiest place to be an ID and not a person. Don't put anything in your profile, don't hint stuff with your usernames, make your pfp a cartoon sheep, and only express anything that might bring harassment in places that will accept it, and make that a separate identity. I use the same username everywhere and it's unique, but I'm also not a target.

    I can empathize with it being a problem, but there are (annoying and unfair) steps to mitigate it. It might even involve removing or abandoning all of your online identities so you can't be tracked down, but people get doxed all the time and have to start over.

  • NSFW
    Turns out steam allows slurs in their names and suicide baiting pfps, this account has been up for over a year. Anyone else have to deal with constant harassment from people like this on there?
  • Constant harassment? No because I block people at the drop of a hat. Unprompted friend request? Blocked. Playing music in global chat? Blocked. Shitty username? Blocked. Don't deal with people, a single infraction is enough to remove internet strangers forever.

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    What would your political compromise be?
  • Well at the point of kicking, I don't think many people are saying abortion is still an option. Pushing a pregnant person feels worse, in the same way hurting any more vulnerable party does. Can't really argue with that. Causing a miscarriage should be a more serious offense yes, but I feel like it is a difference between suicide and manslaughter. Both are crime, and both have the same end point, but one was action taken against another.

    The unborn child doesn't get a say because it doesn't have a say yet. It doesn't have an opinion. It doesn't want to live. It can't survive on its own, it's just a parasite basically until it's born.

    Being pregnant is a life threatening emergency, until we had modern medical intervention, we had death from childbirth all the time. Like, all the friggin time. Making someone carry to term is not exactly a no-risk/no struggle situation for them, and forcing them to is just punishment for sinning for a lot of pro-life people. Same reason a portion of pro life people want to ban contraceptives.

    The goal is to stop having unhappy, poor, abused, or unwanted children, and to have happy, well adjusted, wanted and loved children. The pro-life argument usually stops as soon as a kid is born. No adoption programs, no child health care reform, no handouts for struggling parents, nothing. So someone who wasn't ready to have a kid might now be forced to either abandon them or barely make it through life with a kid, making everything harder for all of them.

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    What would your political compromise be?
  • So because you're not the ultimate moral arbiter, why not leave it up to the people who may or may not get an abortion? Almost like it's pro CHOICE.

    Your example of pushing is still assault and non-consensual, pretty easy to call a difference there. The only argument I've heard hold any water is the cutoff time for abortion, but that's not what pro life people are ever talking about.

  • Barfeeder again! About a minute per.


    About 1:30 each on the bar feeder, 6061 Aluminum.

    Why No One Wants To Sell You A $25,000 EV
  • I never even considered using my flipper to check for outbound signals. I have been wanting to track down the installed LoJack for a while and make sure it's properly disabled, that might help.

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    Support for LGBTQ+ equality has decreased: GLAAD study
  • I was just mentioning that to my partner lol. If someone has a bad enough take on a subject, I just remove that interaction, and make sure I don't think about their opinions anymore. I'm sure some people will say that I'm not open-minded enough and shouldn't block people with other views but I don't have that kind of time, and I don't feel like making it my problem.

  • It's o-rings and spacers stacked and compressed, pushing the o-ring out like an expansion collet.

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I feel like you'll end up having to pick some compromises, or spend a lot of money. I think your best bet would be a desktop PC that has a bit more punch for less money than a laptop would be, and then also buy a laptop for your actual laptop needs, if you can find used options you might come in at budget. A laptop with integrated graphics can handle some games, you probably need to pick non-graphic intense games for gaming on the go.

    There are some new laptops coming out from Qualcomm that have a Snapdragon X, and they are not as versatile or powerful as Intel or AMD, but they are incredibly power efficient and cheaper. (They are new so we'll see how that pans out )

    $1000 is not enough IMO for a catchall laptop with a modern GPU, AI capable, power efficient, repairable, and lightweight. A 800$ desktop and a $200 laptop/Chromebook/used thinkpad and SSD can probably cover your real use case of school laptop and also gaming/AI at home.

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    Looking for fictional books
  • I was also going to pitch his books, and I haven't even read all of them. They are very solid fantasy books, and he just keeps writing bangers at an unusual pace. My favorite part of books is magic systems, and all the flavors they come in, idk if that is something you've found you like yet.

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    American military recruitment tactics
  • What's funny is I know someone with like, 2000 hours in that game. And it just happened to be his favorite fps, nothing to do with the army propaganda.

  • Jump
    Why does my treadmill want my email address?
  • I could increase the cyberpunk feeling by turning the TVs off with a flipper zero. I haven't felt the need to yet but it's always an option.

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    If you bought a 3D printer for personal use, was it worth it?
  • I wouldn't buy a printer to try and be profitable per say, I would buy one for the things you cant/don't want to buy. If you can use some 3d modeling software, you can begin to solve problems for almost no money.

    Stuff like a vape holder and extended cup holder for my partners car, or a couple little shelf brackets for our IKEA cubes, or replacement closet rod supports. It takes a few minutes in CAD, a couple hours or printing, and 15¢ of plastic, and saves a trip to the store. Making custom, exactly how you want stuff is really nice.

    Knick nacks are fun too, but ultimately your house will fill with things you don't particularly want or use.

  • Jump
    Cycling has a weight problem: a call for the industry to be more transparent about its weight limits
  • Yeah, I haven't seen anything for a more sturdy seat post. Im willing to bet you could find an aftermarket seat and post though, because it looks like it's a pipe-in-pipe attachment to the rest of the bike. As long as it's got the same diameter.

    Or fill the stock one up with JB weld or something. Give it some extra stiffness.

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    well if you look at it that way
  • It may be stretched or something but there are 16 marks in between the inch marks, it's not like they skipped counting a line.

  • From 1" 12L14, about 20' of stock. Barfeeders are great.


    The company didn't pay the mortgage for over a year, and our nearly new lathe got very rusty.
