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I'll sleep when I'm dead
  • I know it's all relative, but what if I told you I fell asleep at 12 am? For me that is late cuz I want to sleep at 10 pm, but others may find 12 am a complete game changer

  • General waste bin or glass recycle bin or neither?

    I have some decade old, gruesome tall thin glasses infested with mold and food residue, cloaked in a grotesque and sticky film of decaying death that... are in no easy way to clean. What to do with them?

    I think it might be dangerous to workers when put in the general waste.

    Whoopsie, SpaceX Blew Up Two Rockets and Punched a Massive Hole in One of Earth's Layers
  • all the dog whistles you could ever want to court the fascist bros

    I don't really know what group you're talking about here... The "facists"?

    But who is not welkom that does not act like a ketamine karen? Did anyone get banned?

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    Whoopsie, SpaceX Blew Up Two Rockets and Punched a Massive Hole in One of Earth's Layers
  • And could this facism be just a consequence of allowing more kinds of people on the platform and censoring less? In other words, that more freedom automatically brings more facism to the table?

    I'm not trying to corner you or anything but I am wondering how and why things suddenly changed to seemingly a lot of people.

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    How dare you use a text editor because it's easy to use
  • Sadly I don't remember. Sometimes it comes preinstalled, sometimes not, depending on OS or something. (Maybe Manjaro gnome). I could copy and paste inside of vim, but not to/from outside vim.

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    How dare you use a text editor because it's easy to use
  • So I need to dive into the manual to do something as basic and universal as "copy and paste"? Why not make it Ctrl+shift+c or have it shown in the info text when pressing this almost universally accepted keypairs? Or at least make it somewhat similar to this. I find it bonkers why some programs decide to just have radically different shortcuts or defaults, the complete opposite of what feels intuitive. Same with the design of some doors that need actual SIGNS on them to tell you which direction they open. Just bad design choice.

    Edit: just remembered. Same story with tmux. Want to copy something? Surprise, it's not anything you expect it to be. Some ctrl+b + [ or some shit

  • I have my own ssh server (on raspberry pi 5, Ubuntu Server 23) but when I try to connect from my PC using key authentication (having password disabled), I get a blank screen. A blinking cursor.

    However, once I enter the command eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" and try ssh again, I successfully login after entering my passphrase. I don't want to issue this command every time. Is that possible?

    This does not occur when I have password enabled on the ssh server. Also, ideally, I want to enter my passphrase EVERYTIME I connect to my server, so ideally I don't want it to be stored in cache or something. I want the passphrase to be a lil' password so that other people can't accidentally connect to my server when they use my PC.


    I don't know shit about politics. All I know is that in the UK the Labour party won, and the Conservative party lost.

    I read some protestors are protesting against racism. What is this about? Protesting against new party that just won? I thought the Labour party was left-wing, meaning they are more on the social-equality side? I'm lost.


    Locally, everything works fine on HTTP (

    Externally, however, only PARTIALLY on HTTPS (https://mydomain:8344) through Caddy. I can connect to the site (first picture), but streams won't start.

    Any idea why this is the case? My theory is that the RTSP port (554) is for streaming and that when I go to the local address (that is on 80), the site ITSELF initiates a connection to port 554 in the background. However, this apparently does not happen when I connect remotely.

    EDIT: In the same Caddyfile, I reverse proxy my Jellyfin server that only uses a single port, and that works fine. The Caddy server runs on my Ubuntu Server 23 on Raspberry pi 5.


    I host my own Minecraft server and have online-mode set to false in

    Now, I want others to join but I don't expect them to buy a legitimate copy of Minecraft. Isn't that why we use this setting online-mode?

    In the ol' days (1.8 and post), I remember using some copy of Minecraft where I could just change my username on every start of this client, and join my server. Period. Done. I want the same again. Is this possible? In a non-illegal way? What about grey-area? I don't care about security or impersonation (partly).


    As title says. about 1/5 times, the message (e-mail) is just gone. Nowhere to be found. Not in Deleted folder. Only way I can access this e-mail is logging into (because I have a hotmail account), then I find it in the junk folder. So it's not gone from the server, just gone in Thunderbird.

    Restarting Thunderbird has no effect.

    Has anyone the same experience? Should I submit this as a bug?


    I often take painkillers (acetaminophen aka paracetamol), but I've noticed that it's much more effective if I take them TOGETHER with my ADHD medication (ritalin aka methylphenidate) + my morning coffee. If I don't take them AT the same time, the painkiller is far less effective.

    I do not exceed the maximum dosage of painkiller (1gram per intake, mornings), but alone this would barely suffice to kill my morning headache.

    My hypothesis is that since the LIVER has to convert all three, I am effectively overdosing on either substance (painkiller or ADHD meds), and damaging my liver in the process.


    The "appearance" button seen on Dutch wikipedia is able to change the SIZE of the font (text) and the width of the article. This is extremely nice to have, but it's not there on any English article...


    I can access c/world on without problem:

    But I cannot access c/whatstheword:

    It seems unlikely that this specific and innocent community is blocked on either instance.

    What's going on here?


    I have dual boot Win10 and Linux (manjaro), and I want to shrink my NTFS C:\ partition to free up space in my ext4 root partition on the same physical drive.

    I keep reading online that NTFS partitioning is best handled by Windows itself. However, Windows cannot partition ext4, so I thought I'd use a live GParted session for the ext4 extending part only.

    So why not shrink my C:\ partition IN WINDOWS, obtain my unallocated space, then boot into live GParted, and use the unallocated space to extend my ext4 root.

    This, or do everything from GParted in one go? What has the best chance of success?

    I could also install GParted on my running Linux distro, and do the extending from there. But I feel like GParted live would somehow be... better?


    I don't care what's it gonna take. I just want a connection. I guess I can connect the VCC to another voltage source, but I have the same thing happened to TX on another circuit board, although that one can "flip" (it is still attached marginally... at one end).

    Board: T Deck Lilygo.


    This site logs me out every few [hours/days] after leaving the site. It's as if the cookies get deleted, but they're not.

    Is this intentional? Do other people also experience this?


    I am on Manjaro GNOME 45.4 (x11) and after some recent update, I am unable to type for example: aa, or 77, or ANY two identical characters in a row, so it only registers the first: a, 7, etc.

    If I press the right arrow key, I am able to type another (identical) character, after which I'd have to repeat it again and again if I want all consecutive characters: e.g. aaaa.

    Note: this only happens at the login screen, not lock screen or anywhere else.

    Is this on purpose? Some security feature? This has to be the dumbest security feature I can image, especially since it doesn't tell you that it's skipping the character (which is not obvious if you type fast), and it also does let you HAVE a password of identical consecutive characters.

    I only found this forum post about it:


    It seems I am unable to view this post

    on this instance, even though is not deferated.

    How is this possible? I tried injecting the /post/10613192 into the URL: but this page does not exist


    EDIT: I kinda solved it by installing Wayland (with Nvidia card, Ouch!) to replace Xorg. Not sure if this is gonna last though. Perhaps Manjaro is the one I'm gonna throw out FIRST if anything happens from now on. ---------

    What should be the first line of defense? Timeshift?

    This happened after I installed AUR package masterpdfeditor and 2 applications from github (some hashing algorithm programs, I think they were "Dilithium" and "Latice-based-cryptography-main", one of them was provided by NIST.)

    If using GUI: I login, black screen for few seconds, then back at login screen.

    If going to ctrl+alt+f2, login successful, then startx, see picture provided (higher quality).

    I tried adding a new user, but result is the same.

    I have a live usb to do the Timeshift. (I can also chroot if necessary... But I'm not extremely professional)


    What else is the "remote HTTPS connection"? Is it possible to stream my stream OUTWARDS to WAN? (With port forwading) So I can just give friends a link to stream from my stream? Easy peasy? Would be super handy


    I think some banks utilize some feature built in PDF Readers to PREVENT printing of "SENSITIVE" information in a PDF, by blocking parts with black bars.

    The issue does not appear when printing using other software, like Adobe Reader or Microsoft Edge, to print the PDF. But it DOES occur with Firefox and Chrome. So it's not a driver issue.

    Is this a form of DRM? I want to know how it works whatever is causing it, and be able to REMOVE it from the PDF itself completely.

    Why does Firefox obey this "DRM" crap, while Edge has the balls to ignore it?

    And to make things even more complicated, I am able to print the PDF fine on another computer, using the exact same OS, browser, and printer. So it appears to be a specific setting or version of .e.g Firefox?

    If only I had NAME for this, then I'd be able to search for it online.
