The new one does Daredevil instead…
Welp, it was fun while it lasted.
An upcoming comic book called The Goddamned Tragedy is going to do a fixtionalized version of this.
This is pretty much exactly where I would exact an arty, anticapitalist lark of a movie to land. Anyone thinking this would do much more than $40m globally this weekend was probably fooling themselves.
I love that. I get a huge dopamine hit from the novelty of seeing a new (or rare) song performed…but then I tend to obsess on a few acts rather than having a lot of bands I might go see.
No, it’s a fucking sticker. Grow up.
What an absolute piece of Shit. I can’t wait for somebody to cave in that pumpkin.

Joe Simon's Grandson Doing a Captain America Parody

Cover at the Simon Comics crowdfunding campaign.
Currently rereading Mary Tyler Moorehawk by Dave Baker
What a bullshit headline. That’s embarrassing.
It’s fucking toast
I haven’t seen that Adbusters flag in YEARS. I used to have one hanging in my trailer in college!
I’m glad everybody was ok, especially since the actual image of the fully-upside-down plane is so cool and I would feel bad enjoying it otherwise.
Since Trump is entirely ignorant of history, I wonder how he thinks Napoleon’s story ended.
I have zero interest in hearing about “activist judges” from the party that gamed the system to stack the Supreme Court with literal activists rather than serious jurists.