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How serious are you guys when you talk about punching nazis?
  • This line of reasoning kind of falls apart when you deal with someone that doesn't act on good faith. For example you can pioneer democracy and the will of the people and then let 10% of radical people use propaganda to brainwash 41% of normal people to take over the government and then basically breakapart the foundations of democracy and people's rights. The end result is a democratic path to the end of democracy and a worse situation for everyone involved. There's a reason people say you can't be tolerant of anti-tolerance.

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    Feels like so many tech bubbles are about to burst
  • Correction the ghosts are AI and based on how many times they killed me clearly a step above anything mainstream today (º ロ º๑).

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    If you could sacrifice your life and have any wish granted, would you and what for?
  • For the world to be truly united into a democratic representative utopia. A world without war, without famine, without global warming. At the heart of all issues is, despite the fact we're all so close to each other, that we operate and behave in our own self interests or to the detriment of each other. I'd wish for all borders to be opened. Everyone to be given a unquestionable bare minimum set of human rights across the globe. Removal of diplomatic immunity and forced standardisation of laws with the goal of levelling the living standards of all people. Etc. World peace but with a foundation to keep it going I think.

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    What's your least favourite thing about your smartphone
  • The hardware fuse samsung put in that flips when you try to change roms and can never be replaced. Wtf kinda world are we living in :/.

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    Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills
  • I mean buying a usb, installing imaging software, not messing up the drive your try to create the installer on. That's already a lot harder than most tech illiterate people that just need to buy a computer.

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    Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills
  • Well installing it. That alone requires a challenge most folks probably couldn't overcome easily. People are accustomed to just getting a computer with a working os on it. Changing that os would be pretty hard for them.

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    Discord lowers free upload limit to 10MB: “Storage management is expensive”
  • I kinda wish we could go back to the world of people hosting their own servers and having subsets of their homedirs on ftp urls. Of course none of that is really approachable to a lot of a people :-(.

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    Man Arrested for Creating Fake Bands With AI, Then Making $10 Million by Listening to Their Songs With Bots
  • I hate ads but their designed to be shown to people and intentionally using bots to inflate ad views is very clearly fraud. Silicon valley had something similar with bot farms to fake user engagement to take in VC funding. You take money in exchange for some kinda engagement metric which you're faking.

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    JPMorgan Plans to Report Customers Who Exploited TikTok ‘Glitch’ to Authorities
  • Agree on all points. Like these people clearly committed fraud but if you're careless enough to get suckered into this you probably weren't the most financially savvy person to begin with. Balancing the scale should be enough. On the other hand the banking sector really needs to modernise. So much is built on archaic legacy systems and there doesn't seem to be any motivation to modernise and foolproof them. The economies too busy chugging along to care about how secure the foundations of it are.

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    We each have a Nazi in us. We need to understand the psychological roots of authoritarianism
  • Wasn't the gas chambers planned because German soldiers kept going crazy executing people directly. Even if you're trained and brainwashed shooting a child in the back of the head is gonna mess you up (especially more than once). Dehumanising the victims, putting them into work camps, moving them to a room where the overseer can flip a switch. It was all to make you see them as less than human and make it easier to not connect the act of killing them to taking a life. Of course there were a whole lot of absolutely f*cked up monsters but I feel really bad for all the nazis who got sucked into a brainwashed cult and by the time they realised what they were doing they had no out left.

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    Rust in Linux lead retires rather than deal with more “nontechnical nonsense”
  • The reverse is also true. Any dev wanting to contribute to Linux in rust which linus himself allowed (despite his silence on this matter) are just going to have to deal with constant headache trying to maintain compatibility with the C interfaces which the devs keep breaking. Either they should've never allowed rust in the kernel or they should force devs to at least act in good faith and collaborate (and any that refuse to, well they should be ousted because they can't behave responsibly). This entire situation is so toxic and I see that as a failure in leadership. That zfs comment is also a little toxic but I don't think it's a direct quote. It also doesn't seem like a fair comparison because from what I can tell zfs isn't even part of the kernel code base and due to legal reasons cannot be. While it would be great for the kernel not to break it, it is, for all intents and purposes an external project. This rust debacle is different because it's rust kernel devs and c kernel devs both operating in the same project and trying to find some kind of alignment. To me it seems like there's enough of an acknowledgment of the value of memory safety that rust support was considered but there's no authority figure actually supporting it or defending the devs that were invited to actually contribute in it. What a mess.

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    Intel Core Ultra 200V promises Arm-beating battery life without compatibility issues
  • Out of curiosity this wouldn't be automatically supported right? Like you'd need the os or dependent libraries to know about these special chips and take advantage of them for things like encryption for example. Is it common to define tailored hardware for this kind of functionality or is this intel trying to setup a very tailored mass market appeal product for laptops.

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    Rust in Linux lead retires rather than deal with more “nontechnical nonsense”
  • This specific talk was about defining shared common interfaces so these different groups could work together and the guy who actually talked him into stepping down essentially said "I'm gonna keep writing C and if that breaks your rust stuff that's not my problem". This isn't about convincing the c devs to write rust it's about convincing them to work together when some of them seem to have made up their mind to sabotage rust support (either through indifference or willful interface regressions). Personally I'm more ashamed what this points to for someone new wanting to come in contribute to Linux.

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    Genie Trial Run
  • This raises so many questions for me. All of them hilarious. Like if there's a management organisation for genies are they also genies that get assigned to normal folks? How do you get recruited? If you're in the wrong line of work do you quit or get re-assigned to something else. This is great XD.

  • Hi folks, first time poster so let me know if this kinda post belongs anywhere else. Just saw alien romulus and wanted to see others thoughts on the movie :-).

    Personally the visuals were great and the xenomorph itself terrifying but I didn't care much for the story and the characters seemed a little 2dimensional. I also think it drifted a little away from the fear factor to shock. I'd say 6/10. Enjoyable watch but nothing special.


    Hi folks,

    I've been living in London for about 3 years now but didn't own much so never bothered to get contents insurance. As I'm steadily acrruing things I thought it'd be worth getting some sort of cover. I looked around on some price comparison sites and also reviews here and there. I'm getting anywhere from £60 to £500, although LV offering £250 is quite appealing and I've heard lots of good reviews. How much are you folks paying for contents insurance? What has your experience been with your providers and making claims? Any insight would be nice.
