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Unsicher, wie mit einem Mitarbeiter der AfD umzugehen
  • Die großte Mehrheit meiner Arbeitskollegen sind entweder apolitisch, grün oder sozialdemokratisch

    also Polizei kann ich ausschließen

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    What are your "poor person" money life hacks?
  • Yes, I wash my clothes when they are dirty, greasy or smelly. Do people wash all their clothes after just one day of wearing?

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    Survive the zombie apocalypse
  • Also might come in handy as a tool in more ways than the machete. Open doors, smash windows, chop firewood and you'd probably still manage to sharpen some sticks with it. As a weapon I do not think that a machete is easier to use without any training.

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    Elon Musk calls strikes ‘insane’ as Swedish workers take on Tesla
  • You do not need to understand others on an emotional level for this, you can come pretty far on rationals alone. This excuse might work in a personal relationship, not here.
